Ray Hofman sets new World Record.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
I vote for notifying the authorities as well. Let them investigate these bozos so they don't hurt someone.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
The first rule of weapons safety: there is ALWAYS a round in the chamber... at least you always treat a weapon that way.

In the course of running events and a website, sometimes you have to make executive decisions on what kind of crowd is appropriate for your members. The pro wrestling analogy is apropos given what I saw yesterday. Never in my life, under any circumstance, and certainly not at what is supposed to be a good time, have I seen what I saw yesterday.

When it looked like PPR was going to have the fastest time of the day, what looked like 30 people rolled into Ray's rig area shoving cameras into Ray's face to watch johnny discuss whatever he had to discuss with Ray. That's a bit paparrazi/TMZ for my tastes in the first place, but I digress. I get it, that's the shtick for some people. Internet videos with a bit of trash talking and so on. What bothered me was the fact that the centerpiece of the circus was the "security guard" they brought with them brandishing two pistols and an assault rifle with his finger on the trigger. And yes, it was brandishing. When your weapon is tucked into your shirt and you're raising your shirt to show it off, that's brandishing. Especially when you're doing it to vaguely look intimidating. I mean, besides the whole assault rifle thing. At a runway. For a car event.

We're all grown men here, so let's not try attempt to say that was anything but part of the show for the Internet. We carry handguns carefully concealed in the ghetto. We don't wander around with AR-15s with ACOG scopes out. That was purely for show. We're out there having a good time, and Ray's 18 month old son is standing next to him while a very poorly trained security guard (brandishing weapons makes you poorly trained. If you're really there for a security reason, just do your job discreetly) has an assault rifle hanging around his next with his finger on the trigger aimed at what we'll call toddler height. I don't even know what to say about that. For all I know the guy could pick off gnats at 1000 yards, but you get judged by your conduct.

When Ray asks him to please leave he says "There's nothing in the chamber." Well then why is it out? It was beyond reckless, it was stupid, it was not cool, it was not funny, and I can tell you after Ray laid down the fastest time of the day, we weren't rushing back to the cars to grab a bunch of .45's and run up putting cameras in people's face to make an internet video. Back to the WWE bit, those fans are who gets impressed by that kind of stuff. Me? Color me extraordinarily unimpressed. I guarantee nobody at SVT or FRPP was impressed when word of that got back.

I literally can't believe that whole scenario, but it's one of those things where you have to ask yourself, as a rational adult, if these are people you want around the crowd you're trying to entertain. I can't speak for the yahoos that ran yesterday's event, but if a guy shows up with an assault rifle and two visible handguns, I don't care why he's there, you're not getting on the property. This is not Basra or Kandahar. It's a runway in Miami with a bunch of wealthy guys running their cars.

Johnny seems like a nice enough guy. The car runs great, it's strong, and it's a super fast Ford GT. But whole thing was b.s. Ray is a diplomat. I am not. I have no tolerance for people that can't accurately assess that a place with small children and wives and guys trying to have a good time isn't an appropriate place to be having a conversation about whether or not you've got 7.62 loaded in the chamber. Life is too short for stupid stuff like that, and you pull that stunt with the wrong guy someday, and life could end up being REALLY too short for someone, and REALLY long for the guy that winds up in a cell for the next 25. Wrong venue, wrong conduct, wrong crowd.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Anyone that has doubts about the numbers posted for our car from this weekend will be at a loss for words once this fall's Texas Mile takes place, I personally guarantee this and I hope to see you guys there.

That is the politest "bring it mofo" that I have ever heard. :thumbsup


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
I debated on writing this after reading all the posts that occurred today and found that I could not fight the urge. When the 253mph run was made by the Performance Power car in March there was a thread here complimenting them on their achievement and they were more than happy to accept accolades when they posted. After the Texas Mile when their mark still stood, everyone gave much deserved Congrats to Ray on a stunning 250mph run of his own.

However to see the post today carping about the timing equipment and stating that their car was slightly faster was in poor taste. There was a tactful way that comment could have been made without coming across as sour grapes. Something along the lines of "We were a little disappointed that the timing device malfunctioned during one of our best runs and look forward to running against Ray again at a more well run event in the future." A post like that I can understand......the post I read, well not so much.

Thanks to Ray, Heffner and their whole team for their efforts as well as the class and grace which they show representing themselves. :thumbsup :cheers


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
So what did the jet do? Vbox data STAT!


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
ka duuuu.... what's my name again? Can I get a GPS reading on that?


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
I don't know about a GPS reading but you know what to get under if you need some shade on a hot sunny day. :lol

Paul Vincent

Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Does anybody know (and if so could it then be posted) the elapsed time for Ray Hoffman's 266.938 mph world record run? Thanks.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Does anybody know (and if so could it then be posted) the elapsed time for Ray Hoffman's 266.938 mph world record run? Thanks.

That would only yield average speed. Wait, I can't make technical arguments... I'm just a glorified babysitter. I still don't know why this can't be fixed for cheap cheap money. I will consult with the magic 8 ball for sound advice later.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 9, 2006
Hutchinson, Kansas
My God! Ray, that's what i'm talking about. Unreal run. Congrats.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Hey fellas, let's start a new thread in the racing section or something. Thanks.

I hate posting from my iPhone. Can't wait to get back to real Internet.

Right you are, this thread should be about Ray's accomplishments.

Do that moderator thing where you move all the GPS stuff to a new thread.

Heffner Performance

*Supporting Vendor*
Supporting Vendor
Feb 22, 2006
For those who were interested, Ray took 24.1 seconds to cover the standing mile.

Heffner Performance

*Supporting Vendor*
Supporting Vendor
Feb 22, 2006
I just had to post again. As I sit here knowing what I know about this car.................I CAN NOT WAIT FOR IT TO BE TEXAS MILE TIME AGAIN!!!!! COME OOOOOON OCTOBER!!!!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
I just had to post again. As I sit here knowing what I know about this car.................I CAN NOT WAIT FOR IT TO BE TEXAS MILE TIME AGAIN!!!!! COME OOOOOON OCTOBER!!!!!

I am with you, I can"t wait to be there to watch... and participate with my new Heffner TT.:banana:biggrin:thumbsup

Paul Vincent

Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
For those who were interested, Ray took 24.1 seconds to cover the standing mile.

Thank you so much. By the way, if my calculations are correct, another car crossing the starting line traveling at 120 mph and remaining at that constant speed the entire length of the mile (176 feet per second) would have taken 30 seconds to travel that mile, and a third car traveling at 150 mph as it crossed the starting line and continuing at that constant speed would have finished that mile in 24.0 seconds. Needless to say, those in attendance got to see Ray Hoffman put on quite a performance. Now if my math is wrong, please correct it.
Last edited:


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
I just had to post again. As I sit here knowing what I know about this car.................I CAN NOT WAIT FOR IT TO BE TEXAS MILE TIME AGAIN!!!!! COME OOOOOON OCTOBER!!!!!

now your talking!


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
First off congrats to all involved with the Peak Completions / Heffner Performance effort this weekend. Ray did a great job driving under less that perfect conditions. The trans was really giving him fits. This was my first attendance and participation in the mile. We had a team of professionals assigned to all aspects of the vehicle that had never worked together. I would have to say that it came together quite well. I enjoyed meeting and working with everyone. Lots of new faces and a lot of fun. I look forward to the next event.

I would have to say that the timing equipment issues were a little disappointing and the lack of safety gear was very questionable. I have been involved in sportsman and professional drag racing for the last 20 years. Driver safety is paramount as well as spectator safety. For sure better safety measures are in order and necessary to expect to continue these type of events. I saw many participants pull up in the lanes and expect to race without a helmet and look disappointed when turned away. The first time someone gets hurt will be the end of this type of racing so I would suggest to all involved to elevate your awareness and safety equipment.

Never in a 20 years of racing (yes I might have done a little street racing too) have I seen a jack off with an assault rifle at the races with his finger on the trigger no less. How this happened is beyond me but it did. Maybe it was done with intimidation in mind, I don't know and really don't care. Some people like the WWF environment. Reminds me of import racing. I don't. Certainly their vehicle performance was stellar, however a completely tasteless redneck performance and lack of character as professionals. A person that needs that type of security might consider what needs to be changed in their life. I would have thought a little bug spray and alligator repellant should do considering where we were. Some people would consider the situation threatening, I just saw it as an opportunity to let our vehicle do the talking. Almost motivational. My suggestion would be spending less time with the mouth running and trash talking and more time working on the car. It will be needed.

I don't plan to participate in any of the trash talking. I was educated long ago that when the mouth is running the hands are usually not. I will be busy making the engine better and don't see any problem with 280 mph.

Again, thanks to Ray and Jason for the opportunity to be a part of the team. This is going to be fun and exciting. I really enjoy breaking new ground and records. Nice to work with a first class operation.

John Mihovetz

Accufab Inc
Aug 25, 2006
First off congrats to all involved with the Peak Completions / Heffner Performance effort this weekend. Ray did a great job driving under less that perfect conditions. The trans was really giving him fits. This was my first attendance and participation in the mile. We had a team of professionals assigned to all aspects of the vehicle that had never worked together. I would have to say that it came together quite well. I enjoyed meeting and working with everyone. Lots of new faces and a lot of fun. I look forward to the next event.

I would have to say that the timing equipment issues were a little disappointing and the lack of safety gear was very questionable. I have been involved in sportsman and professional drag racing for the last 20 years. Driver safety is paramount as well as spectator safety. For sure better safety measures are in order and necessary to expect to continue these type of events. I saw many participants pull up in the lanes and expect to race without a helmet and look disappointed when turned away. The first time someone gets hurt will be the end of this type of racing so I would suggest to all involved to elevate your awareness and safety equipment.

Never in a 20 years of racing (yes I might have done a little street racing too) have I seen a jack off with an assault rifle at the races with his finger on the trigger no less. How this happened is beyond me but it did. Maybe it was done with intimidation in mind, I don't know and really don't care. Some people like the WWF environment. Reminds me of import racing. I don't. Certainly their vehicle performance was stellar, however a completely tasteless redneck performance and lack of character as professionals. A person that needs that type of security might consider what needs to be changed in their life. I would have thought a little bug spray and alligator repellant should do considering where we were. Some people would consider the situation threatening, I just saw it as an opportunity to let our vehicle do the talking. Almost motivational. My suggestion would be spending less time with the mouth running and trash talking and more time working on the car. It will be needed.

I don't plan to participate in any of the trash talking. I was educated long ago that when the mouth is running the hands are usually not. I will be busy making the engine better and don't see any problem with 280 mph.

Again, thanks to Ray and Jason for the opportunity to be a part of the team. This is going to be fun and exciting. I really enjoy breaking new ground and records. Nice to work with a first class operation.

John Mihovetz

Accufab Inc

Very nice John

All the best



GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona


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GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Thread split.

Do that moderator thing where you move all the GPS stuff to a new thread.

