Ray Hofman sets new World Record.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Absolutely stunning and amazing. WOW!!!!


Permanent Vacation
Mar 15, 2010
congrats on the solid runs from everyone involved....
we ran through all are AIM logs, are second run recorded 267.2 mph.

But being that the first run logged 250.2mph they guessed 242mph was off by 9mph, the second run logged 267.2mph they guessed 255mph was off by 11mph and are last run missing 3 gears almost spun out logged 247.6mph and they guessed 252mph which was off 5mph. FYI if you watch are videos gps based mph at the 1/4 mile are AIM is dead accurate,and at the tag huer equiped event we ran the exact same as AIM....

We spent 8k dollars and 80 man hours over the last week to get prepaired, risk peoples lives driving 250mph, go to an event that was supposed to be tag huer equiped race and yet everything was a flop. having mile events like this that are so unproffesional are going to turn the mile into pro wrestling.... all in all we spent so much time going to this for a day of testing we could have done on b line in palm beach for free.

The 255mph they guessed on we dont count. When you have to recalibrate the mile 6 times and are using the odometer in your car to figure out a mile distance it completely takes away the integrety and science behind competitive racing. NHRA,lemans,F1 dont use crap like that.

Im sure this will be removed from the gt forum since we have always been censored on there. Im not saying anything any one else ran was inaccurate, im just saying that the 255 they claim the 267 we ran and eveything else from the day we wont validate, The 252.97 mph that we ran with tag huer eqiupment that never had to be recalibrated or changed at TOP GUN RUN is are mile record. Oh and when we asked for time slips for some reason they were not available.... Cant wait for texas mile in october


Mar 26, 2010
It was a pleasure seeing many of you, and meeting many of you for the 1st time. The pleasure was all mine, believe me.

With all due respect to everyone who attended, especially for those who traveled from out of state, hats off to all your incredible efforts.

Now for the bad news.....

The event yesterday was run as poor as an event could have been run. All the times in the first half of the day were off by close to 10 MPH. All the top 3 tuners, UR, Heffner, and PPR agreed. UR and Heffner had 2-3 GPSs in their cars, and all them showed a faster time than what they gave. After lunch, they started moving all the sensors again to compensate for the slow times, but in reality, they must have over compensated for the slower times from earlier on.

One of our friends who runs ALL the time, Stormer, who is a perfect example, runs high 180s all day long. He ran a low 190 with a tail wind at Top Gun Run. Yesterday, he was running 186 all day, and at the very end of the day when they gave him his printout, there were 2 runs that had an identical quatermile time, identical quartermile mph, identical Mile time (29.3 seconds on both runs), but the MPH was a 20 MPH difference. They gave him a 203 MPH run!!!! All for a pulley and tune? Does that sound correct to you?

Brooks from DragTimes was talking to the owner of the Cooper SC Z06. He runs 184 all day long. When they gave him his printed sheet, it said 195. Even he laughed at it and said there's no way that his car is that fast.

I heard from UG that after they showed a 246 MPH on the GPS systems in the car that ran 250 MPH in Texas, they told him yesterday that he ran a 232!! After that, Kevin pulled Seth away and made a major complaint to him. Seth told him that he could correct his run and Kevin asked how? Seth said by just inputting the number. After that conversation, Kevin packed up and he was done.

When Ray had one of his fastest runs, these guys weren't even able to give him his time due to a system malfunction. I believe that was really one of his fastest runs. But the timing guy did say, and I heard it with my own ears, that Ray's car was running 168 MPH at the quartermile. Now does that seem possible to you? Ray's car is fast, but 168 MPH? Not even the fastest street cars with slicks launching and pulling the front tires can run 168.

There were too many discrepancies with the timing equipment yesterday, that NO ONE really knows what is right and what isn't. All I know is that NONE of this can be relied as an official time. It's ashamed that E. Rally really dropped the ball. But what did you really expect? Especially coming from their previous event when they had to share 1 VBox amongst all the drivers.

After being charged $450 per car, and $50 PP, you would expect that they would have spent a little money to get the right timing equipment and run a proper event. Then again this was a club event.

There wasn't even anyone at the end of the track to give clearance. When Johnny blew a water hose towards the end of the track, no even bothered to come down to inspect it to see whether or not it was safe to run again. If you wanted the timing slip from the machine, you were given a computer generated printout. Not what you get with the Tag system. Anyone running Texas or Top Gun Run can get an actual slip from that system.

In any event, the cars were very fast, and no one got hurt.

The best part of the whole event? Seeing Ray take off on the runway in his jet. That was priceless!!
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Congrats! Sure wished I would have stayed and witnessed this awesome feat. Way to go--

Hummm I missed Manny.. I see he showed up to another mile event without his car.... wonder why...:wink

Brian, here's a shot of one of your runs. Didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Will post more tomorrow. Safe trip home.

Hey Elliot,
It was great to see you and meet your wife. The Tungsten GT is looking great !! Of course you know I like all of the accent pieces. That's a great photo. Could you email it to me?

Congratulations Ray. It was great to see you and the family on the east coast.
The car is outstanding not just in speed but mechanical construction and craftsmanship. When you see guys like Jason Heffner and John Mihovetz as crew you know things are going to be good.

It was Great to see Howard, Torrie, Mitchell, DBK, Francesca ,Chip Beck Bill M as well.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
So all I have to do is paint my car yellow & spend a day at Heff's...:banana

Ray you are dah Man:thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
UGR ran in a tail wind in texas and a head wind in Fl.. So 4 mph difference is very possible. Its funny how at any given time everyone ran under the same timing equipment wether calibrated right or wrong. So A gt running under calibration A and goes 250 and another goes 260 and then running under calibration b a gt goes 255 and the other goes 266.9. I don't see how the same two cars under the same calibration could be that far off?


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Quit the bickering. This is a proud moment to be a Ford GT Fan!! And Ray's car is one FAST FORD!!!

Ray, AWESOME JOB BUDDY. I saw and heard your car at Jason's shop. It IS the real deal. Congratulations, sincere heartfelt ones, to both you and Jason. And to everyone that lent a hand in helping you achieve a new record.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
In the course of running events and a website, sometimes you have to make executive decisions on what kind of crowd is appropriate for your members. The pro wrestling analogy is apropos given what I saw yesterday. Never in my life, under any circumstance, and certainly not at what is supposed to be a good time, have I seen what I saw yesterday.

When it looked like PPR was going to have the fastest time of the day, what looked like 30 people rolled into Ray's rig area shoving cameras into Ray's face to watch johnny discuss whatever he had to discuss with Ray. That's a bit paparrazi/TMZ for my tastes in the first place, but I digress. I get it, that's the shtick for some people. Internet videos with a bit of trash talking and so on. What bothered me was the fact that the centerpiece of the circus was the "security guard" they brought with them brandishing two pistols and an assault rifle with his finger on the trigger. And yes, it was brandishing. When your weapon is tucked into your shirt and you're raising your shirt to show it off, that's brandishing. Especially when you're doing it to vaguely look intimidating. I mean, besides the whole assault rifle thing. At a runway. For a car event.

We're all grown men here, so let's not try attempt to say that was anything but part of the show for the Internet. We carry handguns carefully concealed in the ghetto. We don't wander around with AR-15s with ACOG scopes out. That was purely for show. We're out there having a good time, and Ray's 18 month old son is standing next to him while a very poorly trained security guard (brandishing weapons makes you poorly trained. If you're really there for a security reason, just do your job discreetly) has an assault rifle hanging around his next with his finger on the trigger aimed at what we'll call toddler height. I don't even know what to say about that. For all I know the guy could pick off gnats at 1000 yards, but you get judged by your conduct.

When Ray asks him to please leave he says "There's nothing in the chamber." Well then why is it out? It was beyond reckless, it was stupid, it was not cool, it was not funny, and I can tell you after Ray laid down the fastest time of the day, we weren't rushing back to the cars to grab a bunch of .45's and run up putting cameras in people's face to make an internet video. Back to the WWE bit, those fans are who gets impressed by that kind of stuff. Me? Color me extraordinarily unimpressed. I guarantee nobody at SVT or FRPP was impressed when word of that got back.

I literally can't believe that whole scenario, but it's one of those things where you have to ask yourself, as a rational adult, if these are people you want around the crowd you're trying to entertain. I can't speak for the yahoos that ran yesterday's event, but if a guy shows up with an assault rifle and two visible handguns, I don't care why he's there, you're not getting on the property. This is not Basra or Kandahar. It's a runway in Miami with a bunch of wealthy guys running their cars.

Johnny seems like a nice enough guy. The car runs great, it's strong, and it's a super fast Ford GT. But whole thing was b.s. Ray is a diplomat. I am not. I have no tolerance for people that can't accurately assess that a place with small children and wives and guys trying to have a good time isn't an appropriate place to be having a conversation about whether or not you've got 7.62 loaded in the chamber. Life is too short for stupid stuff like that, and you pull that stunt with the wrong guy someday, and life could end up being REALLY too short for someone, and REALLY long for the guy that winds up in a cell for the next 25. Wrong venue, wrong conduct, wrong crowd.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
p.s, that post made, let's get back this thread back to congratulating Ray and Jason for their efforts yesterday!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
WOW well said X2 Dave....... When i was told about this today i couldn't believe it. I Have been around the sheik of duhbia at the racetracks and the other highnesses and never seen anything close to this and these guys are worth Billions and billions of dollars and love the sport of racing but in no way have i seen them show anything like this.......CRAZY


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
p.s, that post made, let's get back this thread back to congratulating Ray and Jason for their efforts yesterday!

IS 280 out of the?:biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Hey Ray and Jason, congratulations. It does sound like a jet in that short video!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
I would hope that someone contacts Car & Driver. Their story of the 0-200-0run from 2 years back was very honest in the description and results of all the cars involved. I would think their magazine would offer a forthright and comprehensive forum for the cars to reach the speeds without the potential conflicts and problems some posters alude to here (and I am not questioning the veracity of their posts. I wasn't there). In the interest of getting verifiable results, and again, I am not questioning ANY results, I think getting a major publication to moderate the testing, and then publish the results would be the best of all worlds for all participants.
The fact of the matter remains the GT is a completely unbelievably fast car that has caught most testers by surprise; whether because of the relative lack of mods on most of the cars competing (again, see the 0-200-0 C&D article and Jason's comments about the GT engine's internals), and the incredible success the GT has had without numerous blowups, meltdowns, and wrecks. The bang/$$ results of the GT speaks for itself. Having those #s detailed by a major publication would be a real bonus.


*Supporting Vendor*
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2007
Southern California
Congrats to Ray, Jason and their team! Incredible performance!


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
what did Ray's jet run down the Mile?

did we get data on that?



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Event Intent

I would like to state this for the record. For those of you outside this area and have never attended one of the Florida events.
This facility is a top rate facility to hold this type of event. Just to clarify it can be rented by anyone and run as that particular group see's fit. The Texas mile is hosted by the same group and have had years to refine their timing and scoring program.

This year there have been three different groups to rent this facility and hold events. They are Mile Marker 1, Top Gun Run. And this Exotic Rally Group from up north.

The Event this Sunday was run By the Exotic Rally group. Having personally attended this event and last years event I would like to offer this observation. Last year the Exotic Rally group had a winter get away to Florida which was 4 days of cruising and having some fun in the nice weather of South Florida. They trucked their cars from the New York area to sunny south Florida to have some fun. One of the days they cruised to the Keys etc,,

On the final day they rented the airstrip as a safe place to run the cars with no cops around and just have some fun. It was very informal and there was no fixed timing equipment. Everyone just ran off GPS's or V-Boxes for top speed. It was just a day of Fun and racing around.

This year they brought some timing equipment. I do not believe it was their intent to host event to compete with the Texas Mile or duplicate what the other two groups here have done.
This was their first attempt at trying to provide some type of timing so I give them some credit for making the attempt. I am sure they had no idea this was going to be a shoot out for the top two GT teams in the country and have their results scrutinized as if they were going to be in the book of world records.

From what I saw last year I did not have real high expectations from the accuracy of the results. It was a meant to be a day of fun and provided a venue for guys to run their cars fast in a safe environment. It was catered to a higher end crowd. There were lots of Lambo's , and other Exotics. Most of the guys that were there were not mile specialist or do this as a hobby. It was just a day to run the cars and have some fun. End of story...

Unless there is a national or international sanctioning body who can come out and verify the set up and accuracy of the timing equipment at any of these events I would say all of the results could be questioned.

It was great to see both the GT's run ! They are both very fast and both carry on board equipment to verify their runs. I guess we need another shoot out with some reliable timing equipment !!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
Pretty much everyone on the internet has been talkn about Ray's car making 2200hp, So now that everyone know's what it makes why not just post the v'box data and shut everyone up:)

Btw was there a JET fly by this time too :biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
I had a great, albeit frustrating time at the event. Team Peak Performance was amazing.

I would however not recommend anyone use the group that hosted this event for a runway event. Besides the fact they were completely disorganized, and had no clue what was going on much of the time, they apparently had little concern or understanding about maintaining the safety of those in attendance.

Throughout much of the day, 20-30 people stood to the side of the mile's starting line, where the time keepers were and cars took off from. This was not an issue for the standing mile. However, later in the afternoon, they let folks back up some 300 yds in their cars and take a running start through the mile. The starting line area was some 25-30 feet wide. Cars were ripping through at 70+mph, with folks still standing in the same spot. Some people were less than 20 feet from the cars, which could have easily spun or lost control, at times with inexperienced pilots. When I suggested twice to the staff that it was not safe for people to stand as little as 20 unprotected feet from cars travelling at high speeds, their response was "Why". On top of this, they had no tech inspection, no Snell rated helmet requirement, didn't check the course for leaks etc... after cars had mechanical issues.

I think the GT forum needs to rent this place out on our own, and have some fun. I wonder how much it costs for a day?
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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Plymouth, MI
Wow! Congrats Ray!


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Very Well Said Dave. Let us Keep the CLASS in this GT Forum Group and its members. Tomy Hamon