Ray Hofman sets new World Record.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
ET call home.

As far as the 24 second debate goes, let me point out that the dragtimes video posted on u-tube was from earlier in the day. People watching from the start line saw that on Ray's final run the car broke the beams by about 10 or 15 feet and nearly stalled. He stabbed the clutch pedal and gunned the engine while rolling and then hit it. That had to cost a couple seconds. But again, ET means nothing in Mile racing.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 18, 2005
Frisco, Tx
I'm sorry I have to say this but


WHOS IN!:banana:banana:banana

OH CRAP WAIT...I have to lose 20 pounds to fit in that pumpkin racing suit I have...SHIT!


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
I'm sorry I have to say this but


WHOS IN!:banana:banana:banana

OH CRAP WAIT...I have to lose 20 pounds to fit in that pumpkin racing suit I have...SHIT!

That was great... just what I needed. Can we get a picture of you, at the mile, in all the splendor that IS Aggie427?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
***** Bleeeeeeeeeeeeep, Bleep, Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeep ********

Chip, I censored my own post.... :biggrin

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
I am new to mile racing......and man is it fun. :banana

This is just an observation of an outsider, but I have seen something similar to this before with other sports I have participated in, particularly skydiving. The sport becomes your identity instead of something that you just enjoy and your performance is how you measure your worth. You obsess on it. It becomes impossible to enjoy others success. I have seen people downright depressed and despondent when their "world" record was broken rather than be proud of their accomplishment and grateful for the time that they had the "title". :frown

I get the impression that to Ray and his group that this is a part of their life, not the overwhelming defining event of their life. That is the way it should be and I hope perspective kicks in and this gets back to the reason we all participate in these types of things. Because it is fun. Best of luck to all future participants. :cheers

this is the best post i have ever seen on this site and i was the 2nd member ever to join this site :thumbsup
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New member
May 26, 2009
Houston, TX
"Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a fly-by."
"Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full."
What a killer sound.

I think this was 259 or 262 on thursday. It was right around 260.


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I am new to mile racing......and man is it fun. :banana

This is just an observation of an outsider, but I have seen something similar to this before with other sports I have participated in, particularly skydiving. The sport becomes your identity instead of something that you just enjoy and your performance is how you measure your worth. You obsess on it. It becomes impossible to enjoy others success. I have seen people downright depressed and despondent when their "world" record was broken rather than be proud of their accomplishment and grateful for the time that they had the "title". :frown

I get the impression that to Ray and his group that this is a part of their life, not the overwhelming defining event of their life. That is the way it should be and I hope perspective kicks in and this gets back to the reason we all participate in these types of things. Because it is fun. Best of luck to all future participants. :cheers

this is the best post i have ever seen on this site and i was the 2nd member ever to join this site :thumbsup

+2! VERY well said, Tom. :thumbsup:thumbsup :cheers


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2008
Lake Tahoe
"Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a fly-by."
"Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full."
What a killer sound.

Wow, that is a killer sound indeed. It reminds of a kid watching the Indy 500, it's the same sound!! Brings back memories of Andretti battling Mears, Fittipaldi, and the Unser boys for sure. Jackie Stewart Screaming "SPECTACULAR CRASH IN TURN 3 JIM"


As for showing you our data, you have a better chance to get the recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken.

BTW.Your car might run faster if you fix all of that smoke roaring out of it.

Good luck

John Mihovetz

Accufab Inc

May be, just may be, the smoke is from cooking the chicken while racing...:willy:willy:willy

You tell him John...:thumbsup:thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
Haha I know who's not buying a bullet from JOHN:rofl


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Damn, I'm off the Forum for a few days and all hell breaks loose. Congrats to Ray and his teams, from a RED car owner. It is a real personal pleasure to be acquainted with you all. I think I'll go get a hemorrhoidectomy now until all this BS dies down. Chipper, keep them honest. 21 pages of posts. Wow!


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
I am new to mile racing......and man is it fun. :banana

This is just an observation of an outsider, but I have seen something similar to this before with other sports I have participated in, particularly skydiving. The sport becomes your identity instead of something that you just enjoy and your performance is how you measure your worth. You obsess on it. It becomes impossible to enjoy others success. I have seen people downright depressed and despondent when their "world" record was broken rather than be proud of their accomplishment and grateful for the time that they had the "title". :frown

I get the impression that to Ray and his group that this is a part of their life, not the overwhelming defining event of their life. That is the way it should be and I hope perspective kicks in and this gets back to the reason we all participate in these types of things. Because it is fun. Best of luck to all future participants. :cheers

Sky, you must be feeling Penguins Euphoria, especially after the Caps went down last night. This post is a thing of beauty. Beautifully said, eloquent, and shows great perspective (and restraint!!! :wink). Well said my friend.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Moderator's Note


During the entire five-year history of the Ford GT Forum, there has never been a thread that has generated this much interest in such a short period of time. Nearly 16,000 hits in less than four days. 20 posts have been deleted and another 20 (4 more pages) have been split off into a separate timing thread. Unbelievable. :cheers

From the highest reaches of the Ford Motor Company to young kids dreaming about buying a used Mustang someday, Ray Hofman and his yellow GT have generated interest in one-mile racing worldwide. Performance Power, Hofman Motorsports, and Underground Racing have sparked genuine excitement into a sport that has, up till now, existed almost exclusively for participants and had been devoid of spectators. I believe that's about to change.

This has been a big event for the Ford GT community. The players are obviously very passionate about it. In the course of allowing them to speak their minds, DBK and I have allowed an airing of acrimonious opinions that normally would not be tolerated here. More than enough has been said on both sides of the issue however, so any further negative comments (including mine) will be deleted.

I predict that the next Texas Mile will be the first event they have held that will require a grandstand. I'll see you there.

Chip Beck
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Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
I'll just delete it now jesus people

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
...There were 4 forum members in addition to Ray and Jason on hand to witness this. If you have any doubts that Ray's car crushed 252.97 the moment it rolled off the trailer Thursday, you're can ask me, FlorIdaho Chris, Chip Beck and tmcphail too.... They know it. They saw it. They were there. But with all this going on, I just recommend they nod their head yes when asked if Ray's car is the proven fastest one mile car in the world...

YES ***head nodding***


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
253mph is no small task either, as a matter of fact I have been chasing 200mph for quite some time.

Crying like a baby cause you didn't win a game is pretty commonplace.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Wouldn't it be interesting if the fastest Ford GT actually had a 4.6 Modular engine instead of a 5.4? I have a couple spares for my pro car that make 2300 hp. Smaller engine, 300 more horsepower and 100 lbs lighter.

John Mihovetz
Mar 15, 2006
Not to piss on anyone's parade, but I have a serious question for all of you guys running over 200 mph in the mile. When are you going to get serious about safety?

I dont know about Ray's car and Johhny Bohner. But I do know that most of you dont have a rollcage or rollbar. Do you guys have arm restraints? Have any of you ever seen what the NHRA or Bonneville rulebooks require to run at speed much slower that what you guys are running?

Yes I know that you got a pass that the GT is safe up to a certain speed. But I can promise you that somebody is going to go for a ride, sooner than later. And when it happens, having some real safety equipment might mean the difference between a trip to the hospital or a trip to the morgue.

I've gone and done plenty of open road races with little to no safety equipment. I got 2nd place in the Elko twin 50's in a mostly stock Viper averaging 177 mph in a car that would only go 184 mph over a 55 mile run of nevada highway. So I have been on the other side of this debate. When you have a nice car who wants to cobble it up by putting in a rollcage etc. But the older I have gotten the more people i have seen killed or mamed from doing high speed racing in cars. Yes, this is the sport we have chosen and we are big boys and know the risks. But there is no excuse for not utilizing common sense safety equipment.

Some of the cars we are talking about here are going 50 mph faster than any Sprint Cup car is running at Daytona or Talladega. Have you ever seen how much safety equipment goes into a Cup car? Something to think about.

Again, sorry to interrupt the pissing contest (Chip i think you are way out in front). But you guys should seriously consider what I have said here. I dont think anyone on this forum wants to watch as their close friend dies in front of their eyes while trying to break the sound barrier at the next mile event.
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Mar 15, 2006
Wouldn't it be interesting if the fastest Ford GT actually had a 4.6 Modular engine instead of a 5.4? I have a couple spares for my pro car that make 2300 hp. Smaller engine, 300 more horsepower and 100 lbs lighter.

John Mihovetz

Dude, you have likely forgotten more about making Ford motors make big power than most will ever know.

It is an honor to have you making an impact on the FGT racing scene. I cant wait to see what you guys do next.

Blue Moose

Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
I'm sorry I have to say this but


WHOS IN!:banana:banana:banana

OH CRAP WAIT...I have to lose 20 pounds to fit in that pumpkin racing suit I have...SHIT!

I'm thinking EXACTLY the same thing! I'm going to be there.

This is getting VERY exciting! This is how legends are made (Remember the Ford vs. Ferrari battles and many other racing rivalries as well)

Ray, When you are done with your car, I would like to buy it! It's destine to make its place in history and end up in a museum somewhere.

Matt, I'll bring the locker room on wheels again.:lol Texas in October:banana
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