And it was because of team Cool Tech's pit crewing that these accomplishments happened - don't have any doubts. When Terry and Monica are all suited up, helmets on, in the car, Hans device connected, communication cables plugged in and ready to back out of garage..... That's when my significant role comes in. I look to the left and then to the right and if all clear, I give the critical signal to back up. Occasionally, if I'm feeling particularly helpful, I might help with a little push. Not often, but sometimes. Oh, also, I occasioanlly help with mechanical contributions. When something sounds weird, sometimes I say, "Something sounds weird." So, there you have it. Without MY contributions, they's both still be in the garage. I TOLD you that I was critical!!
Congrats to Monica and Terry for some great racing. Monica's pass into 3rd position in a race down the straight to the finish line was THE passing highlight of the weekend!!