Ouch! But deserved...

Mike Mosing

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 9, 2009
What’s this world coming to?? If you can’t trust a WWE wrestler who can you trust!!??

Glad to see Ford wasting no time. There has to be an example made here.

The only Wrestler you can trust...


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Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
So what happens when one of you guys gets fired or laid off a week after you get your car. You gonna sell it to your C&C buddy under the table for $200k profit (maybe more) to keep food on your table, or just foreclose on your home and yank your kid out of college so you don't offend Ford and so the FGT Forum fanboys don't call you a douchebag? Who knows what's going on in John Cena's life to where he decided to sell it - maybe he has a major drug problem or maybe he's paying child support for 20 kids around the country? Or, maybe some guy offered him $1m for it and he thought it would be cool to donate his profit to the Wounded Warriors Project??? Get off your high horses - people sell their limited edition cars all the time - cars way more limited than the NFGT, sold by companies much more petty than Ford. He won't pay a dime to Ford if he has a lawyer worth his weight in salt.

Wow... someone is mad at the world. He signed a contract he is a low life to flip it after signing a legal contract not to sell. Everyone that was chosen has to sign the same contract.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
My take on this and I think the salt in the wound for this forum is there are so many here that either did not get an allocation, or if they did get an allocation, know of several other very good deserving friends and people hoping to get an allocation but did not. Most are very understanding and appreciate the efforts Ford went to to try and get the GT to as many of these people even if they personally did not get picked. Seeing these early sales indicates the buyer had no intention on following through on the commitment and agreement for which Ford relied on for choosing them instead of someone else. That someone else could have been one of these great people we all know of being on the list, and one of the current getting their car that much sooner. I don't think there would have been such a strong reaction from this Forum if they would have just waited the 24 months. Same if it had gone back to the dealer, at least a loyal Ford dealer would have been able to benefit as there are thousands of dealers that did not get a GT either.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
This thread reminds me of a deposition I took in a case involving a commercial real estate deal gone bad.

Q: Why didn’t you honor the terms of the agreement?
A: I didn’t feel like it.

Yeah, that guy got what he deserved too.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 28, 2011
Fayetteville, Ga.
Hey Chip good deal you led this thread ride. Very entertaining and we as a group are focused and on the same page!


GT Owner
Mar 11, 2007
Greedy and Shortsighted ...The end....


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 11, 2012
Central Mitten


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
This thread reminds me of a deposition I took in a case involving a commercial real estate deal gone bad.

Q: Why didn’t you honor the terms of the agreement?
A: I didn’t feel like it.

Yeah, that guy got what he deserved too.

Unfortunately this attitude prevails at the highest levels of gov't and industry, to the corner coffee shop (anybody else wonder about the sudden EXPLOSION of service dogs (purported to be) amongst us??).

We are bombarded 24x7 with 'breaking news' about the latest episode of, "rules are only for the other guy, not me!"


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
Ridiculous. And to think that I actually thought John Cena was an alright dude. I agree with Sinovac...douchebag extraordinaire! Make him pay Ford!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 15, 2012
New York
My take on this and I think the salt in the wound for this forum is there are so many here that either did not get an allocation, or if they did get an allocation, know of several other very good deserving friends and people hoping to get an allocation but did not. Most are very understanding and appreciate the efforts Ford went to to try and get the GT to as many of these people even if they personally did not get picked. Seeing these early sales indicates the buyer had no intention on following through on the commitment and agreement for which Ford relied on for choosing them instead of someone else. That someone else could have been one of these great people we all know of being on the list, and one of the current getting their car that much sooner. I don't think there would have been such a strong reaction from this Forum if they would have just waited the 24 months. Same if it had gone back to the dealer, at least a loyal Ford dealer would have been able to benefit as there are thousands of dealers that did not get a GT either.

+1. We're a passionate bunch and, I think, a pretty ethical bunch. Emotions are running high. Although not every athlete is smart with their money, as has been pointed out in many replies, there were other options for Cena.

All that said, I hope that OTG (28 posts) isn't completely driven away from the forum by all the backlash--we're nice people!

Jason Watt

Had both, sold both
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
Do we know you bought the car??


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Who cares


GT Owner
Jul 14, 2010
Central Ca;ifornia
I hope it ends up as a loss for him after damages are calculated. So many people can't wait to get a car and this jerk pulls a stunt like that. Taking on a company with buildings full of lawyers shows his ignorance.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 8, 2006
Toronto Canada
DBK call me

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
...Can you change my forum name to FGT homer? I kinda like it.

Isn't that suppose to be FGT Homie?


Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
...I just don’t understand the level of disgust most seem to have about this situation when they have no clue about his specific circumstances.

He is a liar. He gave his word & signed a contract. There is no excuse for dishonesty.

"To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice." Confucius



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 6, 2014
Well I’m disappointed too about this for a couple reasons. First he got an allocation that many of us didn’t and flipped it. Second, if this is any indication of the secondary market, without an allocation, the entry point to get a car will be WAY out of my league!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Well I’m disappointed too about this for a couple reasons. First he got an allocation that many of us didn’t and flipped it. Second, if this is any indication of the secondary market, without an allocation, the entry point to get a car will be WAY out of my league!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don’t be discouraged. I wouldn’t assume these cars will settle in that range. This “transaction” is one of the first to occurr with a very limited supply, so I don’t think it’s a good indicator of future FMV.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
I just read the story. I guess some people feel that a contract is something they can simply disregard. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Gene Cassone

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2005
way upstate NY
I just hope, by this experience, Ford will give the last round of allocations to our GT brethren who didn’t get one in the first round!
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