Ouch! But deserved...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
So what happens when one of you guys gets fired or laid off a week after you get your car. You gonna sell it to your C&C buddy under the table for $200k profit (maybe more) to keep food on your table, or just foreclose on your home and yank your kid out of college so you don't offend Ford and so the FGT Forum fanboys don't call you a douchebag? Who knows what's going on in John Cena's life to where he decided to sell it - maybe he has a major drug problem or maybe he's paying child support for 20 kids around the country? Or, maybe some guy offered him $1m for it and he thought it would be cool to donate his profit to the Wounded Warriors Project??? Get off your high horses - people sell their limited edition cars all the time - cars way more limited than the NFGT, sold by companies much more petty than Ford. He won't pay a dime to Ford if he has a lawyer worth his weight in salt.

Although it seems to mean nothing to you, I thought you should at least know the definition.

noun in·teg·ri·ty \ in-ˈte-grə-tē
firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Yeah, doubtful he'll end up owing Ford...

I’m not sure about that Clint. I have not seen the contract, but I understand it’s a wee bit better then the one drafted by a strip store attorney next to a massage parlor. :lol
Rights of first refusal are enforced all the time.


GT Owner
Sep 30, 2009
I don't know anything about John Cena. I suppose I could have googled his car collection and his net worth, but that doesn't matter to me. I simply read a vague article that Ford was suing him and jumped on the forum to see what you guys thought and all I saw was dbag, dbag, dbag!!! That caught me off guard and I thought it was crap. Unless y'all know the circumstances behind the reason for the sale, then I think it's BS to call him a douchebag. I didn't get an allocation and it annoys me that he may have flipped it for a quick buck, but I'm not gonna bash some guy that supports the military and stumps for cancer research because he sold a limited edition car to make buck like hundreds and hundreds of Ferrari, Mac and Lambo guys do. (And, if you don't think Ferrari/Mac/Lambo are more petty than Ford, you're crazy. Some guys get blackballed, others don't, but I've never read of someone getting sued over this - I've only ever read that they can't do anything about it - capitalism!!)

Maybe it turns out he used his celebrity to dupe the system and made some quick cash to add to his pile - then call him whatever you want. Maybe it turns out he got the car and 2 weeks later found out a family needed some major financial help and he's overleveraged and selling the only car he knew was worth more than he paid was his best option to scrounge up some money - what will you call him then? Maybe stupid, maybe irresponsible, but hopefully not a dishonorable douchebag!! You realize that something crazy like 80% of pro athletes go broke within a year or two of retiring and wrestlers are the same personality type.
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GT Owner
Sep 30, 2009
Although it seems to mean nothing to you, I thought you should at least know the definition.

noun in·teg·ri·ty \ in-ˈte-grə-tē
firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility

Ahh, Sinovac, the FGT homer from Fchat. Always gotta have a snide, condescending comment. So because I don’t think we should call Cena a dbag until we learn all the facts means that I don’t have integrity? Ridiculous, as usual!!!


GT Owner
Jun 12, 2009


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Ahh, Sinovac, the FGT homer from Fchat. Always gotta have a snide, condescending comment. So because I don’t think we should call Cena a dbag until we learn all the facts means that I don’t have integrity? Ridiculous, as usual!!!

I’ll play. What facts do we need to know beyond the fact that he signed a binding agreement?


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Exactly. The, uh, justification that he may have had a drug problem or illegitimate children is irrelevant.

He signed documents agreeing not to transfer ownership of the car within 24 months. Repeatedly. One of which was notarized. That took effort. The rest is irrelevant.

If he needed the $463,376.50 back, he could have gotten it back immediately. Let’s not kid ourselves that this was the case.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida

Can you change my forum name to FGT homer? I kinda like it.


GT Owner
Jun 12, 2009
this all smells like a pre-ordained deal to me even though he did a great video about the car. even at $2M, I can't imagine that would be all that attractive to someone like him unless like what's been said, there is some back story we don't know about. jmo


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 10, 2011
Centreville, Delaware
Cena, in my very humble opinion, was wrong to sell the car. He is, however, a public figure who is hoping that his show will be picked-up for another season. It isn't too much of a stretch to assume that he was looking to generate some publicity. Mission accomplished.

Ford pursued the new GT program in order to generate publicity for the brand. Mission accomplished in this case, too!

The Cena story will, in all likelihood, be picked-up by lots more media outlets today... both Cena and Ford should be very happy....


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
I’m not sure about that Clint. I have not seen the contract, but I understand it’s a wee bit better then the one drafted by a strip store attorney next to a massage parlor. :lol
Rights of first refusal are enforced all the time.

I hope you are right, Paul. Your guess is certainly better than mine, here. [emoji16]

Blue Moose

Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Cena, in my very humble opinion, was wrong to sell the car. He is, however, a public figure who is hoping that his show will be picked-up for another season. It isn't too much of a stretch to assume that he was looking to generate some publicity. Mission accomplished.

Ford pursued the new GT program in order to generate publicity for the brand. Mission accomplished in this case, too!

The Cena story will, in all likelihood, be picked-up by lots more media outlets today... both Cena and Ford should be very happy....

There is no compromise here. No negotiating after the fact. There is no grey area B.S. and nothing, NOTHING that justifies breaking a binding agreement.

Believe it or not, there are still cases where someone is clearly right and someone is wrong.

Cena is a man whose greed is greater than his strength for integrity.

#Not a fan.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
I don't know anything about John Cena. I suppose I could have googled his car collection and his net worth, but that doesn't matter to me. I simply read a vague article that Ford was suing him and jumped on the forum to see what you guys thought and all I saw was dbag, dbag, dbag!!! That caught me off guard and I thought it was crap. Unless y'all know the circumstances behind the reason for the sale, then I think it's BS to call him a douchebag. I didn't get an allocation and it annoys me that he may have flipped it for a quick buck, but I'm not gonna bash some guy that supports the military and stumps for cancer research because he sold a limited edition car to make buck like hundreds and hundreds of Ferrari, Mac and Lambo guys do. (And, if you don't think Ferrari/Mac/Lambo are more petty than Ford, you're crazy. Some guys get blackballed, others don't, but I've never read of someone getting sued over this - I've only ever read that they can't do anything about it - capitalism!!)

Maybe it turns out he used his celebrity to dupe the system and made some quick cash to add to his pile - then call him whatever you want. Maybe it turns out he got the car and 2 weeks later found out a family needed some major financial help and he's overleveraged and selling the only car he knew was worth more than he paid was his best option to scrounge up some money - what will you call him then? Maybe stupid, maybe irresponsible, but hopefully not a dishonorable douchebag!! You realize that something crazy like 80% of pro athletes go broke within a year or two of retiring and wrestlers are the same personality type.

I would sure hope that he is at least smart enough to realize that he better craft up a pretty compelling story to earn the sympathy of the court and the public.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Ultimately, to me all that matters is they set an example. Anyone with the designs on flipping the car is going to have to think long and hard about wanting to waste their time in court. And now it should be abundantly clear, in case you somehow missed it, that you're signing your name on documents saying you will not transfer ownership of the car for 24 months beyond delivery. Easy.

Just another tip, if you have an order in, do not shop it around as available for immediate purchase. They will terminate your order. This is not conjecture. They are not messing around with this.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 10, 2011
Centreville, Delaware
Agreed, but I am not an attorney, nor have I seen the contract, so I can merely state an uninformed opinion.

Cena's car is not the first GT to be flipped... it's just that it has happened quietly and outside of the media glare previously.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Yeah, don't worry, the first dickhead that specced his car for Li will get his too.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 11, 2017
Bloomfield Hills MI
Ford will win this litigation. Just like Ferrari and Lamborghini have prevailed in similar cases. It will be a great example to anyone else tempted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 10, 2011
Centreville, Delaware
Yeah, don't worry, the first dickhead that specced his car for Li will get his too.

Given that my app was rejected, I can only hope so!!!! Although it really isn't rational on my part, it would make me feel better!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 17, 2017
If he really needed the money, I am sure he could have borrowed against the asset or just sold it back to the dealer. He's an idiot, although I wish he would have sold it to me :)


GT Owner
Apr 19, 2006
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
A couple of thoughts. First, I am glad that Ford is choosing to sue Cena for breaking the contract. Corporations don't like to get into law suits so by taking this action, they are showing that they are very serious about the two year hold. If he needed to raise cash, he merely had to call Ford and sell it back at msrp. Done deal and no harm. But, on the other hand, Ford Is selling the majority of the early build cars to very high profile and very wealthy people who generally do what they want with their possessions. They are not necissarily afraid of getting sued and/or suing others. They can afford the fight and may even crave the publicity. So my point is that Ford should not be surprised when one of these big time players goes rogue. It's the inevitable event that was assured to happen and candidly, will happen again. Lastly, for those of us who have been loyal GT owners for years and weren't able to get an allocation, I am personally happy that Ford is stepping up and suing owners who sell their cars prior to two years, they deserve it. But Ford also knows exactly who they are selling new GTs to and as such, high profile owners will generate high profile issues. Go get him Big Blue.