Ouch! But deserved...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
I see where the moron claims he will work with Ford to make it right. He wanted to take what was behind door number two— the quick score under the illusion of “ they will never come after me”. I see this every day in my work. Thankfully Ford Legal had other ideas.

Forgetting the fact that he has now tacked on “ legal fees at $800\hour” to his configurater options , look at what Ford gets out of this: having to deal with its own legal expenses of in house and outside counsel to go after this idiot — all for giving him a once an a lifetime opportunity that many would love to have. “no good deed goes unpunished”.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Ive said this in another thread, I would never even consider doing this, and we will never sell this car. But the reality is, In 6-9 months of investment of ~$275k (deposit), I will likely NEVER have another legal opportunity in my entire life to profit $1.5m in that short amount of time, especially considering the investment risk is quite low.

Glad Ford is pursuing this, and hope they continue. It is an honor to have been chosen to have access to this car, and we will fulfill our commitment and then some, keeping and enjoying it for hopefully my lifetime.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 18, 2007
Ford has an open and shut contract case unless it's tried in San Francisco. The people who side with Cena evidently were not given a GT allocation Sour grapes.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Mr. Cena made certain misrepresentations of material fact regarding his eligibility to be a Ford GT owner and as to his intent to maintain ownership of the vehicle for his own use, including:
• Falsely representing that he would be a good Ford GT owner;
• Falsely representing in his Vehicle Ownership Preferences form that he would be primarily operating the Ford GT in Tampa, Florida;
• Falsely representing that he would own the Ford GT for at least 24 months;
• Falsely representing that he would not sell the Ford GT during the first 24-month period after delivery;
• Falsely representing that he is best suited to enjoy the Ford GT as an owner;
• Falsely representing that he would care properly for the vehicle as an owner;
• Falsely representing he was eligible to own a Ford GT when he intended to sell the vehicle after less than one month; and
• Falsely representing in his Application and Order Confirmation that he wanted to be a part of a Program designed to maintain and promote the vehicle for at least 24 months.

Plaintiff Ford Motor Company respectfully requests that the Court award the following relief:

(A) Enter judgment in favor of Ford on all counts and award Ford all of its damages;

(B) Award Ford all of its direct, incidental, and consequential damages suffered as a result of Mr. Cena’s breach;

(C) Order that Mr. Cena must disgorge his profits to Ford from the improper resale of his 2017 Ford GT;

(D) Award Ford its litigation costs, interest, and attorneys’ fees; and

(E) Grant such other relief that this Court deems equitable, just, and appropriate.
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GT Owner
Mar 5, 2015
Not to mention his 2006 Tungsten GT has 1,200 miles on it and is for sale at an exotic car dealership in Naples, supposedly on consignment. A real Ford fan for sure.


GT Owner
Sep 30, 2009

Hmmm. Looks like I’m not the only one here that understands that not all rich guys are smart with their money.


GT Owner
Jun 12, 2009
Ford has an open and shut contract case unless it's tried in San Francisco. The people who side with Cena evidently were not given a GT allocation Sour grapes.
yep, sour grapes for sure. I got sucked into repeating BS from someone who didn't get an allocation about a another person that sold their NGT. thankfully I was quickly corrected by the "so-called" seller. not nice and not appreciated by me or the other person. why do people start crap like that?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
"Hmmm. Looks like I’m not the only one here that understands that not all rich guys are smart with their money."

OTG, I'm afraid that has very little to do with it. Even if Cena is financially strapped, I doubt that this is a recent phenomenon; he never should've taken delivery of the car.


GT Owner
Sep 30, 2009
Ford has an open and shut contract case unless it's tried in San Francisco. The people who side with Cena evidently were not given a GT allocation Sour grapes.

This is the last thing I’m writing on this thread. I am not on John Cena’s side - I don’t know anything about him and I’ve never even seen him wrestle or in a movie - he should have called Ford and told him his situation and came to an agreement. I just don’t understand the level of disgust most seem to have about this situation when they have no clue about his specific circumstances.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
We all know his specific circumstances. He broke a contract. And he's been hit in the head multiple times.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit


GT Owner
Jun 12, 2009


GT Owner
Aug 29, 2006
I have a few choice words for him I cant put on the forum. Disappointing for the many applicants like myself that were not selected to see a NGT flipped. Go get him Ford.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 7, 2008
Lafayette, CO
It is an honor to have been chosen

All those hours of secret development in a basement, the risk, the unknowns...then a win at Le Mans! A race car modified for the street.

This is a special story.. once in a generation type stuff.

This throws a one finger salute to all the folks who worked and continue to work to make this happen. Dbag.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 11, 2012
Central Mitten


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 31, 2007
What’s this world coming to?? If you can’t trust a WWE wrestler who can you trust!!??

Glad to see Ford wasting no time. There has to be an example made here.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 7, 2008
Lafayette, CO


GT Owner
Nov 6, 2012
North of Dallas, Texas
We all agree that Ford did the right thing and will prevail.

Sooooo, DBK are you going to change Sinovac to GT Homer or what?
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Vince H

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 23, 2012
Southern California

The outrage among us to what he did is justified in my opinion.

No one is vandalizing his home or personally setting out to ruin him in any way other than to verbally state their disappointment and disgust that he flipped his allocation and that we support FMC for going after him. Sure, we won't be supporting any endeavors he does in the entertainment world but that's no surprise either. He knew he was bound to upset some by doing this. (If he got caught!)

Why are we not allowed to disapprove of this and how are some shocked that the Ford GT Forum is supporting FMC in their law suit for breach of contract? We don't know his story?? No, we don't. What we do know is that he signed a contract, gave his word, made payment in good faith of the contract, received delivery and broke all of this around a month later. Now here's the point where he grew a conscious. He got caught, is getting sued over it, is being called out on it reputation wise and NOW he want's to make it right with FMC. Several members have pointed out that there was a right way and a wrong way to go about this. He chose the wrong way and probably justified it by the profit he made. So we're just supposed to be understanding of that because there can be an imaginary scenario made up that makes him a victim .. .. .. .. .. okay .. .. .. .. who exactly is riding their high horse again?

Proud to be a part of the Ford GT Forum and honored to be selected for allocation. I'm not sure when my GT's will be sold, even my kids have said there is no way they will part with them once I'm gone. :lol

Vince H
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