My new little girl


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Oh my god. The Cobra is foreplay. The GT is an orgasm. Can I say that?

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
Had a great time this morning with Tony getting in once last drive for the year. Beautiful car you have my friend! Pics and minor law breaking video to come...


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Yeah, it was a good time. Got to stretch her legs a little :) What an awesome car. Drives and handles like a dream. The Cobra is awesome too, but in a very different way.

It is very civilized and my wife gave it a non-moving nod of approval yesterday after sitting in the seat. It was too late to go anywhere and she's over at our daughters apt. now.

It is time to pack the cars away for the season. I won't do much more than take it down to get the emissions inspection.

I sent in the form for the plate yesterday. GULF GT is first choice, followed by 4ORD GT and LEMAN69 as third.

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
Video is still processing... I need more processor HP!








Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Oh HELLO!!! What a sight it must have been to see those two on the street!!! Love it, so fine. Great cars both of you, each looks magical on its own, but together? Complete 11 out of 10. Hmmmm, maybe I should like at a GT40 instead of that lust list for a 2nd GT........ LOL

Sorry you've got to put them away now, but winter nights in the garage will be fun waiting for spring.


Wow what a perfect Color Combo, Heritage & Red... Awesome!

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
Absolute blast. Good thing GT owners aren't camera shy. Wait for the video my friends :)


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
We stopped at a pizza place to exchange pictures off of the camera cards. Mike could see the cars in the parking lot from where he was sitting. It was a constant line of people taking pictures of the cars.

I am amazed at the size of the GT40 compared to the FGT. The FGT looks small - it fits in my cramped garage with lots of room to spare. We re-staged the photo session of the FGT and GT40 along side each other to get the comparison. Even with parallax the GT40 completely fit within the outline of the FGT. My pictures are processing now and I'll link to them in a little bit.


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
My pics from this morning.












Mark II Lifetime
Jun 13, 2006
Louisville CO
Congradulations! Anxious to see it. Hope you and Mike can make it down to Lafayette for C&C in the Spring. Or let me know if you're cruising in the Boulder area sometime and I'll meet up with you.

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
I purposely left out the part where Tony went screaming by at 180mph so as to protect the not so innocent :)



GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I took it "out in the wild" yesterday. The weather is supposed to turn pretty quickly here. So I took it down to the emissions test station, got inside and realized I didn't have my wallet. Went back home [Dang, I had to drive it some more :) ] got back, in and out in about 15 minutes. They did not run it on the dyno just idle and no load 2500RPM. With Rich's pully/tb/tune it passed with flying colors. There must have been 100 people taking pictures of it.

Got to work and got lots of "wow's", and at about 3:00 I got ganged and forced to do the tour Not enough time for rides though.

As of this morning it is cloudy and damp and 40*F. It feels like snow. The weather prognosticators are saying this evening after dark but I don't think it'll wait. So I'm guessing the season is pretty much over. There might be a few days between now and spring where it can go out for a short jaunt to get the juices flowing, but not much more than 5 or so miles. When they put the salt / sand down it's over.


I took it "out in the wild" yesterday. The weather is supposed to turn pretty quickly here. So I took it down to the emissions test station, got inside and realized I didn't have my wallet. Went back home [Dang, I had to drive it some more :) ] got back, in and out in about 15 minutes. They did not run it on the dyno just idle and no load 2500RPM. With Rich's pully/tb/tune it passed with flying colors. There must have been 100 people taking pictures of it.

Got to work and got lots of "wow's", and at about 3:00 I got ganged and forced to do the tour Not enough time for rides though.

As of this morning it is cloudy and damp and 40*F. It feels like snow. The weather prognosticators are saying this evening after dark but I don't think it'll wait. So I'm guessing the season is pretty much over. There might be a few days between now and spring where it can go out for a short jaunt to get the juices flowing, but not much more than 5 or so miles. When they put the salt / sand down it's over.

Putting it away is probably a good idea as I'm sure some Leos may be looking for the two of you by now.

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
This is the wild west buddy not CA(yet). Half of us walk around with pistols in our pockets. LEOs don't concern themselves too much with people doing 95mph on a deserted interstate :)


This is the wild west buddy not CA(yet). Half of us walk around with pistols in our pockets. LEOs don't concern themselves too much with people doing 95mph on a deserted interstate :)

What about 95 X 2 ? :lol


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
This is the wild west buddy not CA(yet). Half of us walk around with pistols in our pockets. LEOs don't concern themselves too much with people doing 95mph on a deserted interstate :)

Not in your pocket. That requires a concealed carry. But almost anyone without a felony conviction can get one. A number of years ago I was the chairman of our town's Planning Commission and was at a board meeting when the town attorney had the board act on a resolution that required posting on the entrances of town owned facilities that concealed weapons were not permitted in the government facilities (town hall, town offices, and because the town owns the building and leases it to them, the Post Office building). There was some wording in the ordinance that caught my attention. When I asked our head of the police department (a sergeant ranked deputy on permanent assignment from the Boulder County Sheriff) about the rule, and my conclusion about "you need a permit to keep a gun in your pocket, but I can walk down main street any time or day of the week with my two pearl handled pistols (ref, Patton) strapped on and you can't do anything about it? His answer was "Yes, but please don't tell people because in this town they will."

Sort of like Arizona too :)

Driving on E470 is kind of like "if a tree falls in the woods". No cops, no worry.

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
My remark about Tony doing 180 was in jest. He drives like a grandma lol. I wanted him to stand on it but his judgement being superior to mine caused him to maintain a legal rate of speed at all times. I on the other hand am already wanted for bank robbery in several states so speeding 95mph is the least of my worries!


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
My remark about Tony doing 180 was in jest. He drives like a grandma lol. I wanted him to stand on it but his judgement being superior to mine caused him to maintain a legal rate of speed at all times. I on the other hand am already wanted for bank robbery in several states so speeding 95mph is the least of my worries!

My GPS reported that I exceeded the speed limit at least once :) I think we were pacing and passing in the 90-95 at times but not sustained, but I did have that one instance where it was a tad more than that. Still more than we should have :)

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
An aside: I've seen "Ford"..."Ford GT"...and "Ford GT40" on the sill stripes of these cars. Even the origonals I've seen pics of don't seem to be the same.

Does anyone know what the origonal cars were SUPPOSED TO HAVE down there for both the street version and the race car?


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
This is the wild west buddy not CA(yet).

What about Boulder?