Hurricane Ike may affect my Rally plans ??? This could be a bad Storm for South Florida ???? Three of the five path projection put the storm in our back yard ..:ack :ack
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Brian/ Chris,
Check out this link. It's superimposed over Google Map and shows wind paterns
This weekend I'll be fighting the TA Hanna.....
Not looking good for us Brian. I am really hopping we get lucky. Is your car already in Vegas? I just finished a customers black car wednessday so he could make his transporter out to Vegas. I am sure this is going to effect a few peoples decisions to go or not.
Yeah, I hear you Stormy. I haven't stressed over a hurricane like this since Andrew. It is not looking good. Currently showing as a CAT 4 hit with a bulls eye on my back yard. :eek
My GT is already staged in PHX but my flight back is uncertain at this point. Pray to the weather Gods! :frown
Mike, My car is here.. I have my own trailer and was going to leave on Sunday.. Tomorrow I will need to decide !! But it is not looking good..:frown
If you have to evacuate anyway, what safer place than Vegas?
You're not thinking about riding it out are you??
Latest update moved Ike a tad south. Keep you fingers crossed.
Hopefully it goes south of us!
Mike, My car is here.. I have my own trailer and was going to leave on Sunday.. Tomorrow I will need to decide !! But it is not looking good..:frown