Truly a labor of love. Hope you have as much fun on the track as you did building it.
This might seem silly and you probably already know, but look at that red handle and then sit there in the drivers seat for a minute and think, if I ever have to pull this thing, inhale deeply first. When you actually are on fire, if you didn't program your mind in advance, you might not remember. Our lemons car is getting a fire system, and that will be my track side talk to the team, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that has needed it before. BTW, I'm a big fan of arm restraints as well, required or not. I'm guessing you already know these things, but I'm sure there are quite a few who are enjoying your build and may not have had to actually think of the real reasons these safety items are there. I love this car!
I like the location for a road race car. Less likely to accidentally set it off. We will probably mount ours in the same spot. Last time I was on fire I was still about 180, so getting out really wasn't an option. Breathing is still a necessity though. I did my deep breathe while making sure the chutes were clean and I had a straight line. Its neat in drag racing how the faster you go, the more your mind can slow down time, if you have mentally prepared. Nothing compared to some on this forum, like the great Eddie Hill, but for a hobby guy, something you remember.
Neighbors must LOVE that running!
Looks darn close, when will it turn a wheel?
Carbon shaft is one piece?