Hi Guys,
A quick update on Mark's build
We got the CNC program written and the intake modifications machined. These modifications do two main things.
We removed the front engine coolant ports where the water from the heads passes through the intake manifold. This is to make room for the new billet water necks that bypass the hotwater to prevent it from going through the intake. We also clearanced the intake for the rear water ports we are adding. As most of you remember, there are phenolic spacers with o-ring grooves that go between the head and the intake now. Isolating the intake from the conductive head of the head by way of the phenolic spacer and eliminating the hot water that passes through the intake... we've dramatically reduced the amount of heat that the intake would be subjected to. This in effect, will substantially reduce intake temperature increasing power potential and reducing detonation potential.
We relieved the outer portion of the injector pocket... the clearance provides room for the 2000cc injectors to be installed into the injector pockets.
The GT as many of you know, has a non-conventional seal at the base of the injector. I personally think they are a poor design and do more harm than good, especially in regard to blocking airflow since the port has such large bosses to accommodate them. It is possible to remedy this though it would be a lot of work, we opted not to do so. Because there is not a traditional oring seal at the base, and because the injector sits so low in this pocket... we had to clearance the outside lip because the injector terminal for the 2000cc injectors sit so much lower than the 1000cc injectors or the stock injectors.
These 2000cc injectors are for a GT in Houston that is going to be running straight methanol with one of our mechanical systems... We wanted to go ahead and clearance Mark's so that if we wanted to go to Methanol for track events in the future with his GT, we wouldn't have to pull everything apart again and do this mod.
Here are 3 reminder photos of the CAD model of the water necks and o-ring phenolic spacers
Here are some of the pieces... the closest set of billet rails are Mark's... currently it has the 1000cc injectors installed in them. His rails are Hard anodized on the inside to protect the aluminum from alcohol based fuels and then a standard type 2 clear anodizing on the outside so that they look like machined aluminum but have protection from oxidation.
The 2000cc injecotors are on the tray, one is assembled, the 15 other are sill apart.
The rails at the far end are for the Methanol GT in Houston, they are hard black anodized on the inside and bare on the outside. We'll be polishing the ouside for them and then machining the logo. We may or may not do a clear ceramic over them afterwards.
Keep in mind the intake is dirty, and hasn't been cleaned up since coming off the car or machining... it will have all sharp edges debured and sanded... it will then be hit with a scotch brite wheel to lightly polish it all up and smooth it out good. These are not finished images.... you're getting them in the middle of the modification right after machining.
2000cc injector on the left, 1000cc injector on the right (1000cc injector is much like the overall shape of the stock injector)
Checking fitment of rail assembly... 2000cc injectors... stock fuel pressure sensor installed for test fit as well