GT Owner
Search "petcock" and "draincock" you will find some threads on changing coolant and the two engine drain plugs.
Also here is a link to a thread I posted awhile back on changing coolant and the engine drain plugs. I installed petcocks with hose sleeves that are the same as on the radiator drains. The petcock part number is in the link, pics too.
Also here is a link to a thread I posted awhile back on changing coolant and the engine drain plugs. I installed petcocks with hose sleeves that are the same as on the radiator drains. The petcock part number is in the link, pics too.
Coolant Drain
I think the over heating situation is a touch over analyzed. The car automatically protects its self. As you get to 240, 2 things happen, 1st you get a red light in the gauge, then if you ignore that, car will go into limp mode. Ive had both happen on tracks. Thanks for the correction about...