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  1. AlohaGT

    Rally 8 SoCal to NorCal "Trip of a Life" - Planning Thread

    Kendall, sounds like this is not to be missed. Count me, the Missus, and #8 in. Thanks Frank for the heads up txt last night.
  2. AlohaGT

    Matech Car in Vegas.. Any Interest in a FGT gathering for a track event?

    I'm interested. Kept the FGT on the mainland to attend Tim's event but since it didn't happen, just kept it here for Mojave. I'm in Lake Las Vegas today and had an enjoyable dinner with skyrex and his wonderful wife.
  3. AlohaGT

    Miss You BONY !!

    Bony, I miss you my dear friend. Bony just finished giving me a ration for having more CF than him. Our FGTs were parked next to each other at Rally III with Kendall & Kip doing the installs.
  4. AlohaGT

    Ford GT Track Brake Kit

    Kendall, I understand you've completed the new rotors and pads install on my gal. Please post photos when you're able.
  5. AlohaGT

    10 Questions Round 3: Bill Ford

    Mr. Ford, was hiring Alan the best decision you and the board ever made?
  6. AlohaGT

    The story of Mellow Yellow by The GT Guy LLC

    Thanks for sharing the story and the pix. Very much enjoyed seeing her at the Umstead; however, frankly, missed some of the more subtle details you've pointed out. Beautiful work. In the up close photo of the Michelin man, I'm afraid you missed a speck of dust in the driver's rear side marker...
  7. AlohaGT

    Famous Ford GT Annual Mileage Survey

    Now, that's also funny.
  8. AlohaGT

    SEMA with Exoticare Andrew and the Ford GT's

    :eek:banana Holy smokes! I have got to make more frequent trips to our Forum. A kind friend has offered me tix for next year. I have got to make the SEMA pilgrimage. :willy:willy
  9. AlohaGT

    Famous Ford GT Annual Mileage Survey

    My odo reads ~9k as I recall (currently at Cool Tech Racing receiving additional massaging), but she has ~30k miles under her belt. Frequent flyer miles between HNL & LAX.
  10. AlohaGT

    What is your daily driver??

    EP, thanks for helping, but the "average two car family's" reference may not be exactly so. Notwithstanding the limitations of driving no more than two vehicles at any given time, the fuel consumed and resulting emissions when said cars are driven is closer to the mark. My reference to the...
  11. AlohaGT

    Official October 2010 Texas Mile thread

    The weather forecast keeps getting better and better with each passing day. See you all on Thursday.
  12. AlohaGT

    Ford GT: Lambo: Ferrari - Repair Costs

    Our FGTs never cease to amaze me.
  13. AlohaGT

    What is your daily driver??

    Mrs. Aloha & I usually drive our Aston Martin DB9, Renntech CL55 AMG and Porsche 930 slantnose turbo. When duty calls to ferry more passengers or stuff, Honda Odyssey, Scion (we just bought it and forgot the model) or Honda CRV. To help offset our ginormous carbon footprint, we expect delivery...
  14. AlohaGT

    Official October 2010 Texas Mile thread

    Many thanks all on the Scuderia responses and please forgive my Mile rookie questions. I plan to fly into Houston on Wednesday, coordinate pick up of my FGT from Texas Mongrel, rent a motorhome and make my way over to Mullet's reserved FGT spaces on Thursday.
  15. AlohaGT

    I want to learn more about my car. Whats the best way?

    A dessert dog sounds yummy. :biggrin
  16. AlohaGT

    Oil Accumulation in Diffuser pan

    Get nota4re's Cool Tech transaxle cooler. Problem solved.
  17. AlohaGT

    Official October 2010 Texas Mile thread

    Thanks Frank. In reviewing the Tire Rack website, the rears are (110Y) but the fronts are 89Y. I'm personally not concerned about it but I understand Tech is very strict and I'd prefer to address any issues now as opposed to next week. Will Tech pass the fronts?
  18. AlohaGT

    Official October 2010 Texas Mile thread

    Uh oh. I have the Bridgestone Potenza Scuderia tires. Though they're the OEM tires for the Enzo and on the Tire Rack website states the car's top speed is 221, they're Y rated at 186. Do I need to change my tires for the Mile?
  19. AlohaGT

    Official October 2010 Texas Mile thread

    Wow. I may be fortunate than I even thought. This is my first Mile, anywhere. Thank you all for your kind support and tips. Any suggestions you have regarding anything pertaining to running the Mile generally, Texas specifically; either on the course or off, are very much welcome.
  20. AlohaGT

    engine dress up kit / accessories...i.e. oil filler cap, coolant reservoir caps, etc.

    These are likely the only items on STORMCAT's FGT that isn't too flashy.