Damn Dave you weren't kidding when we spoke. To bad you can't just tractor it out in the woods, pile it high and burn it. I got the first two done, next year I'll burn it. :banana
Sorry I couldn't make it. I really, really want to do this. The reason I couldn't go this year was well worth it though, as wife wife pulled out a first place win at the Banjo contest. (She even won money which we didn't expect.)
At the bottom of the control panel on the left you will find "paid subscriptions" near the bottom. Send DBK a PM once you have paid and he will release your ad. Thanks and good luck with your sale.
Nope, can't do. My wife is a contestant in the Topanga Banjo & Fiddle contest that weekend. Gonna be there to root for her!
Everyone have a great time!