4.0 liter Whipple ????

Aug 25, 2006
Shadowman, I have a question for ya (again :ack ). I finally got the programer to upload Whipple's tune and I took it out for a test spin. I initally noticed that the O2 gauge was reading lean (more so than normal) under light load. Then when I did a couple of 3rd gear rolls the O2 was reading 12/1 - 12.5/1. I know this is to lean for a supercharged car but I think my O2 sensor may be miss-calibrated. What is the best procedure to recalibrate the in dash O2.

Thanks again for lending me your expertise. You advice was very helpful but it was also extremely reassuring to know I had someone of your caliber to call on should things go really bad.

Matt, thanks for lending me a hand. I really appreciate that you would help me tackle a project like this... especially sense you knew how difficult it would be BEFORE we began. Not many friends would stay until the wee hours cranking on someone else's car. I promise not to rub in the FACT that I have billet arms, and you don't, any more. Well, at least not as much.

A few picture of Whipple's new offering:


You are very welcome

You should remove the O2 sensor and free air calibrate it; following the instructions or call me as it is very easy.

When normal driving she will bounce around 14-7 ... 15 because she is in OBDII aka closed loop operation however IMO when you put your foot into her a number in the mid to upper 11's is nice and safe for the street with only a modest amount of power left on the proverbial table.

Call any time



Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
765rwhp with 95 degree upstream temps and 138 down stream temps.

Strangely my fuel pumps showed to be working at 100% duty cycle. hmmm?


Active member
May 30, 2008

What size pulley are you using and what kind of fuel do you put in her? Any detonation problems? Does not look like it from the temps you are seeing.




GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
765rwhp with 95 degree upstream temps and 138 down stream temps.

Strangely my fuel pumps showed to be working at 100% duty cycle. hmmm?

What's the fuel pressure under boost? Sounds like the tune needs the fuel pressure commanded higher. A blower car will use more injector than a Turbo due to the fuel/hp to drive the supercharger, but i don't think you should be runnin out of injector yet.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX

What size pulley are you using and what kind of fuel do you put in her? Any detonation problems? Does not look like it from the temps you are seeing.



19lbs pulley using 93oct... no detonation issues but we only added about 3 degrees of timing. It should be a pretty safe tune.

What's the fuel pressure under boost? Sounds like the tune needs the fuel pressure commanded higher. A blower car will use more injector than a Turbo due to the fuel/hp to drive the supercharger, but i don't think you should be runnin out of injector yet.

I'll have to look at the data logs to to give you an exact number on that. My tuner just said the fuel pumps were working on a 100% duty cycle at 6000 rpm and there was a small drop in fuel pressure. The A/Fs remain acceptable tho. I will replace the fuel pumps (unless it is that "ship in a bottle" business. In which case I may just use a nice bosch pump.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
19lbs pulley using 93oct... no detonation issues but we only added about 3 degrees of timing. It should be a pretty safe tune.

I'll have to look at the data logs to to give you an exact number on that. My tuner just said the fuel pumps were working on a 100% duty cycle at 6000 rpm and there was a small drop in fuel pressure. The A/Fs remain acceptable tho. I will replace the fuel pumps (unless it is that "ship in a bottle" business. In which case I may just use a nice bosch pump.

I could c the injectors being maxed out at 100% duty cycle but i didn't know there was a duty cycle percent that you could see the fuel pumps at in the data logging. If you are only runnin like 45-55lbs of fuel pressure @ w.o.t your injectors are going to max out sooner than if you ran 80lbs of fuel pressure. I would also put dual Kenne bell boost a pumps on it before you changed anything else in the fuel system as the factory fuel pumps are very good.

How much timing to make that power and what a.f on pump gas?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
. In which case I may just use a nice bosch pump.

Don't you have to see a urologist for that? :lol

Mark, nice job on the 4L. Keep me in the loop on this I'm following your footsteps on this one.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006

That a arm photo was for Matt wasn't it? :rofl:rofl:rofl


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX

I guess I will attempt replacing the fuel pumps unless someone has a better suggestion. I heard the 3.4L whipple has the fuel pumps working at 90% so maybe it's normal? Rich, Shadowman any input would be greatly appreciated... especially if it keeps me out of that gas tank :)


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
fubar those are great numbers, I know you have the 19lb pulley on the car, but is it actually making 19 lbs of boost, did you guys log the boost as well, and the timing, is it at 18 deg. ? if so great numbers indeed,

you shouldnt have to replace the fuel pumps, just get a set of kenny bell's "boost a pump" to run the fuel pumps.

138 inlet temps are low, I remember when I was running mine on the dyno it would creep up to 160, how long did you guys let the car sit between passes? and did you have a big fan cooling the condenser?


*Supporting Vendor* GT Owner
Apr 20, 2006


I guess I will attempt replacing the fuel pumps unless someone has a better suggestion. I heard the 3.4L whipple has the fuel pumps working at 90% so maybe it's normal? Rich, Shadowman any input would be greatly appreciated... especially if it keeps me out of that gas tank :)

I will have a better understanding of this next week as we dyno our first 4.0L early next week. I would recommend on staying out of the fuel tank if at all possible. It is literally a can of worms.


GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
Also consider doing the basic stuff to like the fuel filter if that has not been changed out recently


GT Owner
Jun 30, 2009
Golden, Colorado
Any one want to sell thier Whipple Jen-2 ? And for how much?


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
Any one want to sell thier Whipple Jen-2 ? And for how much?

I think you're literally a few days too late for mine. It's going back to MMP today, but I believe he has a customer lined up for it. Feel free to drop Jack a line or PM him though as you never know. You'd have to ask him about price though as I'm not certain what he's told the other customer.


GT Owner
Jun 30, 2009
Golden, Colorado
Thanks much for the info!

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Any one want to sell thier Whipple Jen-2 ? And for how much?

If you can hold off for a little while, there will pbly be 2-3 'Forum members upgrading to the III in the near future who'll most likely have their II's available. :cheers


Call Kendall at www.Cooltechllc.com he has one for sale.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Does anybody know which model Boost-A-Pump works with the GT?
Aug 25, 2006
Does anybody know which model Boost-A-Pump works with the GT?

Torrie has them on his gal and he worked with Soroush to select the proper setup.

Takes care



GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
I have a pair of singles on my car (the dual didn't exist in 2006) but one dual or 2 singles will work.