Put a GT up for sale with a ridiculous and totally unrealistic price tag, get people that are in the market for GT talking about it, get others to do easy advertising on your behalf.
I don't disagree with your take on it. That reasoning has been put forth by others in the past. But, I do disagree with the basic premise as an ad gimmick.
Doing something like that may get people talking alright...but, the talk will be about; (1) how unrealistic you price on
this car is, and therefore, (2) how far overpriced you're likely to be on all your 'regular' cars as well
based on that. The bottom line being the "easy advertising" won't be 'positive' in nature. 'Cute' maybe, but not well advised.
Deep down, my bet is even those wise to that tactic are likely have the same 'do-I-really-want-to-deal-with-this-game-playing-outfit' view regarding any dealer who employs it.
'Just the way I see it. Others, of course, may disagree with it.