I guess my 2005 GT tire slime may have expired, since it did not work on this flat tire. Used the whole can too. I may have missed two warning signs: First I had a steering wheel shudder, about 1/2 inch back and forth for about 30 seconds on the highway (82 mph) which was making me wonder if it was the road so I changed lanes and it decreased. I think this was when air was leaving the tire. Then I almost made out what have have been smoke in the lights of vehicles behind me (it was dark out) but no smell and no lowered front corner or any steering feel changes. But when the tread separated and smacked the wheel well I was already slowed down and pulled safely off. I don't even think the wheel was damaged as the tire on the outside shoulder was still in place , a little, and the tread was protecting the inside wheel shoulder. Got good gas mileage on this trip as 1/2 my commute was on the back of the flatbed.