For the 1st time in my (long) life, I voted democrat today - for the sole purpose of offsetting one vote for Hillary. :cheers
For the 1st time in my (long) life, I voted democrat today - for the sole purpose of offsetting one vote for Hillary. :cheers
Kirby, spoken like the true Gentleman you are.
I'm a firm believer there should be a box for "none of the above".
the way I see it..
McCain is a 10 years ago Democrat, where most of today's Democrats are 50 years ago's Socialists.... Where originally I supported Fred, I voted for Romney, and support him today... what happens to the Auto industry ... things getting far worse in the next 4, 8, 12 years.... particularly the domestic industry that has driven the rest of the country's success for 100 years.
Go Obama!!!
Having recently retired, no kids and my finances are fairly safe, I sleep well at night. However if Obama wins I fell sad for the movers and shakers of future generations (your children). If he gets his way he will tax/punish away every reason for a potential entrepreneur to take on risk. Let's see where we go as an economy when there is no longer a benefit to laying it (financially) all on the line. It seems many like Obama will be happy when McDonalds pays 35 per hour at the fry machine and running a business with 100 plus employes and everything you own locked up in a personal guarantees nets 45 per hour. YOU CANNOT TAX PROSPERITY AWAY FROM ONE TO CREATE IT FOR ANOTHER. IT HAS TO BE WORKED FOR AND EARNED!:bang
Being 50, I feel in 20 years I will no longer even recognize this country. Far left Democrats preach tolerance and acceptance in their platform but since the '68 election their number one message has been class envy and disdain for hard working successful people in general and white males in particular.
Damn this pisses me off!:mad
Is Huckabee going to be a spoiler or is he actually going to be a viable candidate? He's pulling the south and stronger in a few other states than expected. Could he actually pull enough delegates for McCain to pick him up as a VP if McCain pulls enough together.
Romney shot himself in the foot with the press release out of West Virginia. IMHO.
What do you guys think?