Now I can accept that to a person the week and or a week is defined a bit differently particularly if you are as me in which case whether it is Sunday or Wednesday it is truly simply another day nevertheless in as much as I would like to point my gal towards Las Vegas because frankly she could use some exercise I will not do so if this gathering is not going to happen.
No I am not meaning to be an instigator or for that matter wanting to push anybody’s buttons however if a date is not put in place within days it will not happen for me because I have no interest and to some degree lack the ability to turn on a dime meaning insert this activity into my life at the last minute; frankly we are already into the last minute timeline in my world.
If the scheduling or lack of it continues to revolve around Shelby’s organization (I understand them to operate only one step away from total chaos at any given moment in time anyway) then drop them and move back to the basic premise; a group of great people getting together all of which have at least one common denominator; the Ford GT Supercar
Just my thoughts after all of these months
All the best
Shadowman's Super Snake just moved to the back of the production line :biggrin , but I totally agree, and Mr. Shelby would probably be very disappointed if his scheduling issues caused any GT owner to be unable to attend. My fondness and respect for Carroll Shelby is as great as any other GT owner's...I love the guy, and hope he can attend; however, if the announcement is delayed beyond the end of the week which I guess is today, he and others (like me) may die of old age or anxiety before it occurs :biggrin. See you at the Rally :cheers