My take is if <300 they will all sell w/o problems.
And if >400k early adopters only for years 1 & 2.
At >400k, the competitors will all have something "new and very special" in the market with on 24 months.
In the end, it's how they roll the dice at Ford.
Fingers crossed this is the case. One of the most special things about the '05/06 GT is that it was the absolute best buy (because it was alone) at its price point. Nobody could touch it, it is significant. North of 400K what becomes available will tarnish the shininess of the new 6 cyl Ford.
Or.. maybe there are enough billionaires now that it doesn't matter if it is $600K. I'm amazed at how the low mileage GTs do at auction now.
C'mon Ford.... pump these things out like Vettes. Doesn't have to be rare to be special.