Pix from my motorcycle wreck last month

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona


GT Owner
Feb 11, 2009
Marietta Georgia
I am very sorry, it is usually ALWAYS someone pulling out in front of us, even though we make eye contact with them!!!!! I have been very lucky over the years as not to have had an accident, but ride like I am doped up with caffeine I have avoided many many pull- out -in -fronts, my head constantly turning.


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Mark II Lifetime
Jul 16, 2020
Gainesville FL
Prob wise to ride as though all other vehicles are being driven by Ray Charles.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
Reading all that, I sort of wonder if you are any relation to the other “Fast Freddie”—Spencer.
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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona

The accident was 4 weeks ago today and as you can see from these pix I took today I am now making 90% of a fist. 13 days ago I could only make 25% of a fist and the doc wanted to put 3 titanium rods inside the metalcarpal bones of my left hand lengthwise secured by a screw at each end. He said this was my best chance of making a fist but I told him no. This made me determined to make a fist before the next time I see him again. I will be seeing him again on 7-15-24. I will try to get my x-rays of the before and after of my progress so I can post them here. My hand is very stiff and it requires alot of effort to make a fist. The flexibility is at 90% but the strength is only at what seems like 10% to me. I got to wait 2 to 4 more weeks before my bones are healed and then I can start increasing my strength with various hand and forearm exercises, weight lifting exercises and nunchucks. Getting back to 90% strength should be no problem for me this year. Next year I should be able to start doing pushups again and hit the speed bag. God willing in 2026 my goal is too hit the heavy bag again with 100% strength. Now that the swelling has gone down you can see that my knuckles while not crushed are flattened, distorted and disfigured. My middle finger and pinky fingers are rotated and bent. When I make a fist these fingers are colliding with my ring finger and want to cross them but don't. it is borderline...

鐵拳 虎拳 龍拳

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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
Considering the pix you posted earlier, it looks like you are making very quick progress.
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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
You will never see a motorcycle parked in front of a psychiatrist office. Nothing has ever made me feel more free in my life than riding them. I am gonna miss them as i have owned 13 motorcycles since I started riding them at the age of 6. My year 2000 Honda CR-500 two stroke dirt bike was my favorite of all. I had a 10 paddle skat-track tire for the sand dunes in Glamis, California and jumped it 89 feet. I hit 87 mph on GPS with the stock gearing and pulled a 1/4 mile power wheelie on the beach at that speed in Rocky point, Mexico. My year 2000 Turbocharged Kawasaki ZRX-1100 was my favorite street bike. I cut a .000 light at the dragstrip on it and would pull 3rd gear power wheelies on the street at 115 mph. Riding my year 2001 Honda CBR-929 rr I blew the motor at 178 mph on GPS spraying a 40 shot of nitrous in 6th gear with taller rear gearing. I was geared to go 185 mph. I had taken the muffler off and when the motor blew it oiled down the rear tire and at 100 mph I almost wrecked from the fishtail trying to get it stopped.

Martial Arts are more important to me now then motorcycles. I put alot of time and effort into becoming a black belt with nunchucks and I never want to jeopardize my ability to do them again. I will have to wear gloves with padding on the back of them from now on as i perform 5th degree kata at the same speed Bruce Lee did with the heavier nunchucks that I use. Of course if I can ever make enough money to start racing cars again I will 🏁
I assume you had leathers on
Glad you’re OK
I totally understand your passion
I’m currently up to 21 surgeries on various body parts due to my life as a gymnast and professional skateboarder
And like you would do it all over again
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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
No leathers. I took this pic of the scar on my leg today. Tattoos are for wannabes and posers. Daredevils and stuntman have scars 🔥

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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
And this would be the ultimate scars. A tiger branded on one forearm 🐅 and a dragon branded on the other forearm🐉

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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
The Ghost Rider lives 😇🔥 I have decided to keep my Harley and just ride it on Saturday mornings only from now on. I will wear all of my track gear when I do. My 2009 STAR Vmax is now for sale at $4,500 obo. I am the second owner and it has 25,947 miles on it. It has a couple thousand dollars worth of mods put into it and it was worth $10,000 before the crash. It will take approximately $5,000 in parts and labor to fix it. No frame damage, motor damage, trans damage, fork damage, wheels damage or brake damage, electrical or computer damage. Starts up but needs new header and exhaust system, new right side ram air intake plus new handlebars, clutch lever and front brake lever, tachometer, fender to fork attatchments, one footpeg and shifter, right turn signal, left side trans cover and cosmetic parts, etc. Mirrors can be fixed. Shaft drive, swing arm, rear spring/shock or lowering links will need tech inspection from dealer as one of them appears to be damaged. Not sure which one...

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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
Your metacarpal fractures were not displaced. No need for surgery. Your ortho doctor was trying to biopsy your wallet.
Also your wrist fracture is a small radial styloid fracture…also no surgery required. You got lucky.
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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
^^^^ - this is the best news I have had since my accident 💎 Not sure if you are a doctor or not but the hand doc said I had spiral fractures and I was scared to death. This is why you should always get a second opinion. You telling me this is like my girlfriend telling me that she is pregnant and that I am going to have a baby 😇🙏😍


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
I am an orthopedic surgeon, and I slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night, and I play a doctor on TV….

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
Oh yeah and one more thing fellas...
If your girlfriend tells you she is pregnant. Get a DNA test 🎯

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
UPDATE: 5 weeks after the accident I took my cast off and stopped going to hand therapy. I took matters into my own hands and started training for the fight of my life via jeet kune do.

As of today I can literally do everything I used to do except hitting a heavy bag is compromised. When you look at my hand it looks like 3 of my knuckles and a small part of my hand got smashed with a sledgehammer. My hand is still so stiff other people can feel it.

Here is were my strength is at as of today compared to before the wreck:

I can do 10% more pushups than I used too. I am 10% stronger than before with the Sidewinder forearm exercise device and Grip twister wrist/finger exercise device. I am 10% stronger with hand grips like the captains of crush. I got 100% of my strength back with lifting weights. I got 85% of my strength back with nunchucks. I got 75% of my strength back with the speed bag. I can hit the heavy bag with 50% strike force while wearing the 16 ounce Everlast boxing gloves and 4 ounce hand wraps. With the Hayabusa 16 ounce gloves and no hand wraps I am at only 25% strike force as they are harder and stiffer gloves than the Everlast. I do five 2 minute rounds and throw 500 punches. I ice my hand afterwards and take ibuprofen and my fingers get crooked for a couple days and then straighten out and a week later I do it all over again. I think I can get back to 100% with nunchucks and speed bag by my birthday in November and 100% with the heavybag by the end of the year GOD willing. My secret weapon has been to bury my hand knuckles deep into a bucket of rice and I open and close my hand 750 times every other day. Two opens for every one close. Works the fingers better than anything else. Forearm gets pumped. Baseball pitchers do this.

I sold my Vmax and kept my Harley and have ridden it 6 times now. The vibration is good therapy for my hand. I give Jesus 100% credit for healing me and helping me get this far this fast. I took a pic of my prayer cloth next to the ribbon on the bag of rice because they looks so similar. Thanks to everybody who has prayed for me and if you would like a free anointed prayer cloth send me a private message with your name and address and I will mail one too you. Be sure to let me know if you receive a miracle or sign and wonder from it. God bless you all +++

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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
So I just threw 500 punches in 5 rounds on the heavybag with the Hayabusa gloves and no hand wraps with 50% strike force. no problems whatsoever. At 100% strike force I will only be throwing 400 punches total as my cardiopulmonary lung capacity will be completely maxed out. Imagine trying to do this with a mouthpiece in for air...

The average number of punches thrown per round in boxing is around 60 which is a strike rate of one punch every three seconds.

A study of World Heavyweight Championship bouts found that the total number of punches thrown by all contestants was 320.1 on average, while the total number of punches landed was 110.9 on average.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
I'll take you with me the next time I go to a biker bar.

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
After my accident I did not think I would ever be able to hit a heavy bag again like I used to and if I could it would have been the end of next year. While I can no longer hit the heavy bag bare knuckle anymore because of the shape of my hand I can still hit it just like I used to before the accident with the gloves on. I bought the new Hayabusa T3D gloves in a 12 ounce weight the other day and retired my old 16 ounce Everlast gloves.

With my old Hayabusa T3 gloves and hand wraps (20 ounces total weight) I threw 270 punches at 100% strike force in the first three rounds today followed by 180 punches at 100% strike force in the next two rounds with the new Hayabusa 3TD (12 ounce) gloves and no wraps. 450 punches total. Half of my punches are thrown from a southpaw stance and half are thrown from a right hand stance. I throw mostly 6 punch combos. 2 to the body and 4 to the head is my favorite. I would like to try a water bag sometime in the future.

Earlier this week I threw 2000 punches total on the speed bag in ten 2 minute rounds with 100% strength.

At this point the only thing left for me to get back to 100% strength with is nunchucks. I am at 90% now and will be at 100% by my birthday in November.

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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
"No man can do these miracles except God be with him" - John 3:2 kjv