Some pics from delivery day (I just got them off the camera)
The huge (almost 100' long) Intercity van. Holds 7 cars. The trailer is the standard size but his tractor has almost as much space as my house.
Whenever Intercity comes there is always something special. This time my car was at the front. This had to get out of the way to get mine off. Wow! What a beauty.
When my Cobra came home the last time it's bunk mate was a 300SL Gull Wing. This time just the lowly roadster. Still close to a 700K vehicle.
The GT
The huge (almost 100' long) Intercity van. Holds 7 cars. The trailer is the standard size but his tractor has almost as much space as my house.

Whenever Intercity comes there is always something special. This time my car was at the front. This had to get out of the way to get mine off. Wow! What a beauty.

When my Cobra came home the last time it's bunk mate was a 300SL Gull Wing. This time just the lowly roadster. Still close to a 700K vehicle.
The GT