As I said at the other Mojave thread that even though I dicided not to run this time, which was a big mistake as I was totally itching to do runs when I was at the event yesterday, I wanted to witness greatness!! And, greatness I witnessed indeed. Wow, what a day, I wished I could have stayed for today.
From a spectator's viewpoint, right off the gate on the first run of the day on Saturday, Terry did a 207.3mph and Tom immediately followed with a 202.x!! Wow, that alone was incredible. Then, later in the morning, as aforementioned 68/69 Camero race car, the Big Red showed up roaring like a hungry beast (the car was freaking loud). Immediately, this old tech muscle got into the 200's and I thought this could be an interesting day. As the day unfolded, the BIG RED did not disappoint. All day, it was trailing Terry's 207.3mph.... Then, in a mid-afternoon run, it got up to 206.xx. Then, the BIG RED said it should have gone faster but it was touching red line........and he was gunning for Terry's top spot! So, the BIG RED's crew went to work..... they went back to their trailer and proceeded to swap for taller gears..... The announcer by now was working it....saying things like, " now this is a showdown between 2 reds, new tech Ford GT vs old tech monster muscle who do you think will take to top honor.......", "BIG RED is gunning or Monica's red GT with Terry driving it. Thank you Monica for letting Terry to drive your GT....." Man, this was just incredibly entertaining, as well as a nail biter, especially for me as a GT owner.
Meanwhile, Monica decided to take back her car from Terry and started her quest for 200+mph. Here comes the lady in red, who jumped into her red GT, vrrooom vrrrooommmm, immediately, her got into 200mph, only to follow up with another 200+mph run. Monica is not only the first lady at Majave to exceed 200mph, by the end of the day she was Mrs 200+*2!!! Wow, history was made....
Late into the afternoon, the BIG RED came out of their trailer, again roaring.... With his gears changed, BIG RED put down the chips and ran a 208.xx and took the top spot, the crowd broke out a big cheer, include me...... At the same time, I was telling myself, "c'mon Terry please get your butt back in the GT and reclaim the top spot, please. We can't let the BIG RED took the top spot, when Terry's top run held up almost all day...." Well, Terry didn't disappoint! Now late in the day, Terry pulled up to the grid! Oh man, at the one-mile marker, I first saw a red/white dot, but the red/white dot quickly eating up the runway...coming towards the mile marker. I thought to myself, Terry is booking this run looks promising..... he past the laser at the mile, the light showing the trapped speed, 210.xx!! OMG, the whole place errupted!! I found myself screaming like a little baby!!! Wow........
Big Tom and his TT GT. Words can't do its justice, Tom's efforts, determination, sportsmanship, and his absolutely bullet proof TT were just incredible. Run after run after run after run, all in the 200's. You just had to be there to appreciate how Tom's GT stood up for the tortures. Tom would do the 200+ run, then, immediately go to grid line, do another 200+ run, then, again go to the grid line, and so on, and so on..all day. Incredible!
Yes, it was exciting, and entertaining.... Like I said, I witness greatness.
At 1:30 today, I rec'd an update that it was a 2 way tie at 210.4....... Terry & Monica and Tom did you guys stay the entire day or did you leave early today? What was the result at the end of today? I took a whole bunch of footages of both your TT GTs on Saturday. I'll post/send them to you once I learn how to download the vids sometime this week.