Mojave update


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
I received a message that Terry did 207.?? and Tom did a 202.??

I am sure they were holding back not to exceed the 205/210 limit. Those TT sure fly in the mile!

Congrats to the new TT owners and Heffner and Kendall for making 200 MPH in the mile effortless.


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
This sounds great. Looking forward to more details later!


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Very quick update as I am tired and going to eat. Full write up on Monday. Terry had the big run of the day for cars at 210.3. My best was 209.2 on my Performance box through the shutdown area but 205 through the trap.

Monica is officially the first woman to do 200mph at the Mojave Mile and you can't ever take that away from her. :banana:thumbsup:thumbsup:banana

No updates due to the fact we were driving all day. I made 13 200mph+ runs, Terry made four 200+ and Monica made 3 (two over 200).........and we still have a full day to go tomorrow.

My goal for this weekend was 10 200mph passes. I have now changed my goal to 20. Off to the bar........:cheers
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GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
Great Job guys and gals !


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Great Job guys and gals !

Big ditto!


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Great new everyone especially Monica! Congrats


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
It was really a great day at Mojave - with everyone very happy with the results!!! Terry, Tom, and Monica all over 200MPH!! Incredible. As Tom said, Monica will forever hold the record of the first woman to run over 200 at the Mohave mile. GREAT JOB MONICA!!!! (Mrs. AlohaGT.... the gauntlet has been tossed down for Texas!!)

Keep in mind the the TT GTs are in a 205MPH class and are scolded (3 strikes and you're out) for breaking out of their bracket by more that 5 MPH.

It was a hot day with afternoon temps over 100. The effective air density was equivalent to an elevation of 5400'... so 200MPH runs were nothing to be sneezed at!! And Tom was the absolute stud of back to back to back.... runs all in excess of 200MPH! The true torture tester of our work! In fact, you couldn't be a spectator and not be so totally impressed with the feats that the GTs were accomplishing. Total dominance. In fact, there was only one other car over 200 for the day and that was "The Big Red Camaro". This camaro finally busted through the 200MPH mark at about 3PM with a run of 207.9 compared to Terry's earlier run of 207.3. Being GT owners, we were really, really impressed with the Camaro's run.... but we couldn't let the honors of the day NOT go to a Ford GT. We were datalogging each one of Terry's passes and rather than add any boost, we could see some area where he could shift faster and at a higher RPM - and would likely yield better results. So, with only driver education - and SIGNIFICANTLY higher temps, Terry went out and ran a 210.3 pass! The crowd couldn't believe it!!!

So, Terry wow'd everyone with the top (4-tire'd vehicle) pass of the day. Tom wow'd everyone with just super consistent 200+ runs... and even the announcer remarked on Tom's technique to come back into the pits and right into the next staging lane.... like he was ready to go pick up groceries again. And then Monica..... stealing the crown away as the fastest woman in Mojave. (Wait, that doesn't sound quite right..... but y'all know what I mean.)

Tomorrow we have a brand new record in mind.... something that will be very special and very significant to the very competent person that built these cars... STAY TUNED!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Hey, this is the GTForum and I want everyone to be proud of what the cars can accomplish and this great gift Ford has engineered SOOOO well!! BUT, there were a LOT of cool cars and VERY cool owners out there - all of which I have a great respect for. From the nearly bone stock, normally aspirated 350Z who last year ran a best of something like 127 and this year was running mid 130's to the supercharged Chargers - one of which hit mid 180's..... pushing a brick through the air. Each one of them, great accomplishments!!

We were all rooting for the Shelby America guys who brought out a really neat GT500.... and crept up closer to 200 MPH all day. (I think they ran a best of 196.... so they are almost there!) Wow! the GT 500 just looks so big next to the GT and then seeing them soooo close to the 200MPH mark, it was just crazy! I think if they can duplicate one of their set-ups and runs of today during the much cooler morning hours of tomorrow, we are going to have some very happy guys around!!! I'm pulling for these guys!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 13, 2007
Honolulu, HI
Monica, Terry & Tom - CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an incredible feat!:cheers:thumbsup:banana:party:club


Congrats Guys... Well done...
Aug 25, 2006



Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Wow, congrats to Monica, Terry, and especially to my good buddy Tom!! Way to go!!! 200 MPH club!!! Feels good, doesn't it! And congrats also to my buddy Kendall. Nice job getting these cars done so impressively. You know my car is just itching to visit you again soon........


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Couple quick notes before the start of day two. Quite a stupid fast bikes were there and they made a lot of 200mph passes made including this guy who ran a 255mph pass. :eek I was behind him when he took off and the front wheel lifted off the ground on his first three shifts. :willy And he followed that run up with a 250 and a 245 when things were hotter. Motorcycle guy is crazy.

Only one other exotic, a 430 scuderia that ran around 175. Quite a few new ZR-1's all running high 170's. We chatted with a few of those guys a bit and they hope to make a 180 pass this morning. One guy we chatted with quite a bit the last two days said at the bar last night "Watching you guys run all day is making me think I need to call Lingenfelter." :lol GTED said the same thing about wanting a TT and I saw him cozying up to Kendall at one point. Bite the bullet Ed and we will tear it up at Mojave in April buddy. :thumbsup

Temps in the low 60's this am before giving way to the heat so best runs will come early. Light grid again today I believe so we will see what happens today. This is toooo much fun. :thumbsup


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
why are bike(s) allowed to run at 250+ and cars are limited to 210?

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
congrats on joining the 200 mph club everyone!!! are there more cars there than last time or less? i take it that only 3 GT's showed up this time....

also the motorcycle that went 255 mph with a 5400' density altitude has the potential to break the world mile record of a Hayabusa which holds the mile record at 269 mph at a much lower elevation.

i knew it was gonna be hotter than hell this year as September is way hotter than March. they should move the September race back to November in the future in order to compete with the air density in March......

i assume you guys had no winds?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
I thought I would share a picture of the two TT's in the staging area. Terry had us install the TA Shock adjustable perches and you can see the rather dramatic difference in the attitude of both cars. Terry's car (the red one) is sitting very low compared to the OEM-height of Tom's car. I believe this has a LOT to do with the ~2MPH difference of these two cars. In summary, Tom and I are both in absolute agreement that all other things being equal - Tungsten ALWAYS beats Red! :biggrin:biggrin

Aug 25, 2006
why are bike(s) allowed to run at 250+ and cars are limited to 210?

I think that this is a "great" question

Furthermore, when we were at the mile in Texas last year the folks on the bikes seemed to require little or no safety gear; I find this odd too.



GT Owner
Apr 4, 2006
As I said at the other Mojave thread that even though I dicided not to run this time, which was a big mistake as I was totally itching to do runs when I was at the event yesterday, I wanted to witness greatness!! And, greatness I witnessed indeed. Wow, what a day, I wished I could have stayed for today.

From a spectator's viewpoint, right off the gate on the first run of the day on Saturday, Terry did a 207.3mph and Tom immediately followed with a 202.x!! Wow, that alone was incredible. Then, later in the morning, as aforementioned 68/69 Camero race car, the Big Red showed up roaring like a hungry beast (the car was freaking loud). Immediately, this old tech muscle got into the 200's and I thought this could be an interesting day. As the day unfolded, the BIG RED did not disappoint. All day, it was trailing Terry's 207.3mph.... Then, in a mid-afternoon run, it got up to 206.xx. Then, the BIG RED said it should have gone faster but it was touching red line........and he was gunning for Terry's top spot! So, the BIG RED's crew went to work..... they went back to their trailer and proceeded to swap for taller gears..... The announcer by now was working it....saying things like, " now this is a showdown between 2 reds, new tech Ford GT vs old tech monster muscle who do you think will take to top honor.......", "BIG RED is gunning or Monica's red GT with Terry driving it. Thank you Monica for letting Terry to drive your GT....." Man, this was just incredibly entertaining, as well as a nail biter, especially for me as a GT owner.

Meanwhile, Monica decided to take back her car from Terry and started her quest for 200+mph. Here comes the lady in red, who jumped into her red GT, vrrooom vrrrooommmm, immediately, her got into 200mph, only to follow up with another 200+mph run. Monica is not only the first lady at Majave to exceed 200mph, by the end of the day she was Mrs 200+*2!!! Wow, history was made....

Late into the afternoon, the BIG RED came out of their trailer, again roaring.... With his gears changed, BIG RED put down the chips and ran a 208.xx and took the top spot, the crowd broke out a big cheer, include me...... At the same time, I was telling myself, "c'mon Terry please get your butt back in the GT and reclaim the top spot, please. We can't let the BIG RED took the top spot, when Terry's top run held up almost all day...." Well, Terry didn't disappoint! Now late in the day, Terry pulled up to the grid! Oh man, at the one-mile marker, I first saw a red/white dot, but the red/white dot quickly eating up the runway...coming towards the mile marker. I thought to myself, Terry is booking this run looks promising..... he past the laser at the mile, the light showing the trapped speed, 210.xx!! OMG, the whole place errupted!! I found myself screaming like a little baby!!! Wow........

Big Tom and his TT GT. Words can't do its justice, Tom's efforts, determination, sportsmanship, and his absolutely bullet proof TT were just incredible. Run after run after run after run, all in the 200's. You just had to be there to appreciate how Tom's GT stood up for the tortures. Tom would do the 200+ run, then, immediately go to grid line, do another 200+ run, then, again go to the grid line, and so on, and so on..all day. Incredible!

Yes, it was exciting, and entertaining.... Like I said, I witness greatness.

At 1:30 today, I rec'd an update that it was a 2 way tie at 210.4....... Terry & Monica and Tom did you guys stay the entire day or did you leave early today? What was the result at the end of today? I took a whole bunch of footages of both your TT GTs on Saturday. I'll post/send them to you once I learn how to download the vids sometime this week.

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GT Owner
Apr 4, 2006
For cars and bikes, there is an Unlimited Class, which is supposedly for full blown racing machines, not street legal.... Terry/Monica and Tom were running in the Super Sports class, which allows up to 2 power adders, but street legal.


I think that this is a "great" question

Furthermore, when we were at the mile in Texas last year the folks on the bikes seemed to require little or no safety gear; I find this odd too.
