Internet info on you


RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
Saw this on the 6SP online forum;
Something you may be interested in checking out.
There is a site called that's a new online USA phone book w/personal info. Everything from pics you've posted on FB, your approx credit score, home value, income, age. Remove yourself by searching your name, find the URL of your page on spokeo, copy it, then go to the botto...m right corner of the page and click on the Privacy button to remove yourself.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 19, 2008
Glendale, Arizona


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Snopes says ignore it. (Spokeo)


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
I looked myself up. They had a lot of info and most was correct.


It did not find me or my wife even under her maiden name.


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Did you already delete yourself?

They even posted an aerial photo of my house.


GTX1 Owner
Mar 25, 2006
Snopes says ignore it. (Spokeo)

Unfortunately this is the 1 in a million time that snopes is wrong . Just check it out for yourself ........


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Unfortunately this is the 1 in a million time that snopes is wrong . ..

Well, Snopes has an agenda too :bored

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
Did you all just go out there and type your name into their little phishing page? Doh! Don't do that :lol


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Okay, here's the deal. is basically a search engine that aggregates information pertaining to individual names, email addresses, and phone numbers from online public sources such as phone books, real estate listings, and government records, plus profile entries from websites like Facebook, MySpace,, LinkedIn, Flickr, and many others (the Spokeo site lists upwards of 50 potential data sources).

Similar "people search" services include Pipl, ZoomInfo, ZabaSearch, Radaris, and Intelius.

It can indeed be shocking to see how much information can be dug up about you in 15 seconds — your home address, your marital status, religion, hobbies, names of friends and family members, personal photos, a satellite image of your home, even your estimated income and credit score.

Just as troubling is the fact that no one fact-checks the assembled data, meaning it can be partially or wholly incorrect.

The thing is, if Spokeo can find it, the info is publicly available and can be found online by anyone, with or without the convenience of a

The website does provide a "Privacy" form whereby you can delete your individual listing (note: some users report this is easier said than done), but don't miss the critical point: simply removing your search results from doesn't prevent anyone from accessing the data by other means.

To protect your personal data on social networking services, you must either refrain from providing it to sites like MySpace and Facebook in the first place, or adjust your privacy settings on each website accordingly. Also, if your phone number and address are listed in the White Pages, that information is publicly accessible online, as are some government records (accessibility varies by state) and real estate listings.

Copied and pasted; :bored


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2008
Anchorage, Alaska
I looked myself up there and based on the info they have on me, I would say most came from tax returns. I did not join, and see no way to delete my info from the site.


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Its says Im married.

Hope she doesnt find my New Years pics

Though I could use some breakfast now...


May 10, 2007
I looked up DBK. It has a pretty good screen shot of his place and his SHO is even parked in the drive way. Some stuff is off, but some stuff is spot on. Whos idea was it to drive all over every single road in the country filming everyones house, etc? Why would they even want to do that? I also cant image the money it cost to do that....
If I remember right it was funded by Google wasnt it?


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
I looked myself up there and based on the info they have on me, I would say most came from tax returns. I did not join, and see no way to delete my info from the site.

Try this:


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I looked up DBK. It has a pretty good screen shot of his place and his SHO is even parked in the drive way.

Good thing I'm moving! Sleazeballs like you looking me up...


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
all the stuff they have on me is accurate...


Google purchased a company called Keyhole which was started by a bunch of guys from Silicon Graphics, the computer company. Keyhole was funded primarily by Sony but despite all the talent they went belly up and were quickly acquired by Google and birth was given to Google Earth managed by an old friend of mine that I will leave nameless. One of the ambitious projects they embarked on was to drive around and create the largest street view library in the world with many college seniors volunteering their time driving a roof mounted SUV all over the world capturing sidewalk views, but not without controversy in some parts of the world. Google Earth does not make a profit but is more intended to create a Visual Database that is GeoSpatially enabled to support many venues that would eventually purchase advertising which is what Google's main revenue source is.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
...birth was given to Google Earth managed by an old friend of mine that I will leave nameless.

Isn't that ironic? Don't you think?


There are ways to maintain anonymity, you just have to be disciplined. I know I am gonna get grief for saying this but iPhone and iGoogle are two of the largest offenders and there are many. I actually considering starting a company to accomplish this.


Isn't that ironic? Don't you think?

Careful now before I tell everyone where you were last Saturday....:willy:willy:willy