Internet info on you


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Will getting rid of your iphone make sure that people can't look up public record and a county search to find out where you live, what you paid for your house, and how much you owe on it? Me thinks not.


Will getting rid of your iphone make sure that people can't look up public record and a county search to find out where you live, what you paid for your house, and how much you owe on it? Me thinks not.

Dont get rid of your iPhone, just make sure you know how to prevent it from collecting data on you. Believe it or not the apps developed for the iPhone track your geographical movements, when you use, searches when youarrive to a destination etc... That data is compiled and used to target you with additional products and services etc.. Google will be doing the same with their Android phones coupled by a more powerful search engine. Information about this is just beginning to hit the news outlets...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2008
Anchorage, Alaska
Thank you, I have removed myself!!



GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Dont get rid of your iPhone, just make sure you know how to prevent it from collecting data on you. Believe it or not the apps developed for the iPhone track your geographical movements, when you use, searches when youarrive to a destination etc... That data is compiled and used to target you with additional products and services etc.. Goggle will be doing the same with their Android phones coupled by a more powerful search engine. Information about this is just beginning to hit the news outlets...

Agreed 100%!

This is also happening whenever you use your home computer. You may think you are surfing anonymously, the other side only knowing your IP address, but that is easily remedied by cross checking with other databases. If you use gmail Google already knows who you are!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
Dont get rid of your iPhone, just make sure you know how to prevent it from collecting data on you. Believe it or not the apps developed for the iPhone track your geographical movements, when you use, searches when youarrive to a destination etc... That data is compiled and used to target you with additional products and services etc.. Google will be doing the same with their Android phones coupled by a more powerful search engine. Information about this is just beginning to hit the news outlets...

They want your phone to eventually start ringing with product advertisements and coupons based upon your current location. Coupling the geo-location with past purchasing history, the advertisements will become more direct and personal.

Everytime Sammy drives through Newport Beach, his phone will try to induce him to purchase a Bentley, Ferrari, Lambourghini, etc.........or two.:driving:

Ya gotta fill up those empty spaces in your garages buddy.


RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
They may be using data from Zillow for the info they show on your property. I think Zillow taps local county property tax info.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Alanis Morrisett.