I heard it was last names and then 1st names... I filed my application with my real surname... Aadhav Aaberg... But I will gladly move behind Sir Aaron...
Some letters have been delivered in some markets.
The 250 / 18 thing is fabricated.
Some letters have been delivered in some markets.
The 250 / 18 thing is fabricated.
Do you know who that was and what country they're in?Some one on Instagram said they recieved a letter from ford starting they were not accepted. They also then stated 250 people have been told they are getting cars already and half of the 18's were spoken for also lol
Aaron. Pronounced A-A-Ron.
I wonder if there will be a "waiting list"!
I read somewhere on the Forum that they will have a wait list in the event some of those selected choose not to purchase or are not able to purchase.
...apparently Ford sending up to 5 emails to inform us....