Add one more half shaft bolt failure to the list. I was taking the GT out for a drive this weekend, when I suddenly lost power. Tried to put it into first , second, third -- the engine sounded fine, but nothing happened when I let out the clutch in any gear. Coasted into a gas station, talked to the local Ford dealer (who was less than a block away), told 'em I likely needed a half shaft bolt repair. They were very nice, got me on the phone to Roadside Assistance, and an hour or so later a flat bed tow truck arrived, towed the car to the dealer, and they are now going to repair both sides on the basis of the current TSB from Ford. It should be ready tomorrow or the next day. The only down side so far is that the tow hook scraped the plastic on the air inlet next to the grill during the tow. So once the half shafts are done, I have to figure out who can fix the scraped air inlet. It's not that big a deal, but it was pristine before, and it shouldn't have happened. Anyway, everybody should consider getting those half shaft bolts replaced as soon as possible. If this had happened on a long ride out in the boonies, it would have been a much bigger problem. My car is an 06, VIN #1166, with a build date of April 06, so I had thought I would have been in the clear, but no such luck.