Okay, so I just picked my car up over an hour ago from the dealer. Here's how things went today:
Drove it in and had the automotive engineer check my half shaft clearances. He immediately noted the increased clearance on the passenger side unit, but I told him that was "normal" according to what you guys have noticed on all of your cars. He then tugged on the half shafts (not easy to do when the car is hot -- heat shields are right next to it). He said the passenger side felt fine BUT he noted that the driver's side seemed to have a bit of play in it. He's not a GT tech, so he said it might be normal -- but he found it curious that the amount of play was different between the two sides...
Then I drove it to SM Ford and had them change the oil and give the entire car a once over. When I picked it up they said everything was fine. I didn't have the bolts changed because I still want to see what action Ford takes in the coming weeks, and because mine isn't a late-2005 through early-2006, and because at 5,900 miles everything is still okay. PHXGT (#1575) is the closest number yet to mine (#1456) that has suffered failure, which is somewhat negating the piece of mind I just got from the dealer.
If another GT fails within 150 units of mine I'll re-evaluate, but for now I'm going to drive and (try) to not think about it.
BTW, today was just one of those days in SoCal. The Santa Anna winds have been blowing enough to clear out the smog and warm up the air. My drives up and down PCH were just amazing today. I saw several Ferraris, two Bentley Continental GTs, an Aston Martin DB9 convertible and multiple 911s. All quite amazing machinery. And you know what? I was driving the best one!! :banana