Ford GT National Rally II! Details/Registration


Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
So it turns out I will be here for the big event... HAS REGISTRATION BEEN CLOSED?



Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
Can you clairify the Friday Road Rally. That 250 miles is just a day drive in the hills? The petersen is only 40-50 miles from the hotel correct, so the drive back is maybe an hour.

And for those of us without our GT's, we can just take the wives to Rodeo drive for the day to get a dress for that night? Unless of course I take a helicopter up for some video :thumbsup


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Yes, the road rally is a huge loop around the area through some great mountain roads. If you do not plan on doing the route or just want to hang out in the area for the day, the Petersen is about 50 miles from the hotel. It is not that far from Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, etc.

Still, be careful what time you leave. Los Angeles afternoon traffic can be murder.

Tim, I'll hit you with a PM.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
Northern California
Demo Man,
We're in the San Mateo area. Which route are you taking?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
SuperB, please don't be spouting off about shopping on Rodeo Drive. Thank you, the rest of us.

Mighty Noid

Active member
Oct 26, 2006
Do you guys have a car count as of yet for Cars & Coffee next Saturday?


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Not sure. Some people have hedged on whether or not to bring their cars. I would expect at least 100.


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
We're shopping, not buying.
If we buy anything it will be from the hustler store on Hollywood Blvd. :thumbsup


Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Yes, the road rally is a huge loop around the area through some great mountain roads. If you do not plan on doing the route or just want to hang out in the area for the day, the Petersen is about 50 miles from the hotel. It is not that far from Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, etc.

Still, be careful what time you leave. Los Angeles afternoon traffic can be murder.

Tim, I'll hit you with a PM.
Hit me buddy.... just not too hard :cheers

Demolition Man

GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 29, 2006
danville, CA
Demo Man,
We're in the San Mateo area. Which route are you taking?


Let me see if the other guys can leave early and maybe we can hook up with you in HMB. Are you leaving on Tues or Wed?



GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
I just talked with Piana and we plan to leave at 6:30 am from near San Mateo, south on 101 and cut over to Hwy 1 at Monterey, or San Luis Obispo, or all the way to Santa Barbara, depending on the progress we are making. My guess is all the way to Santa Barbara. Then hook up with the Malibu folks and on to Newport Beach.

I anyone else is welcome to join us, I will see if Ed Sims wants to take the less scenic and less challenging route with us. If given a choice, I prefer boring roads, to traffic jams, or waking up early. Leaving at 6:30 am is early enough. I haven't seen the sunrise for years! Later than that and traffic sucks until you are past San Jose.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 31, 2006
Stillwater, MN
Saturday's Plan


are we still heading to the Ford Premier Automotive Group in Irvine, CA on Sat?



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Scroll down to post #300. Itinerary is there.

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
PCH Drive to Rally

PCH Drivers - Ok, here are the updated plans for driving to the Rally. Leave Monterey at 7am, then arrive in San Luis Obispo at 10am & lunch in Santa Barbara at 12 noon. Piani & Black Ice will take 101 & meet us in Santa Barbara at 12 noon. We need a restaurant or fast food place to meet at in Santa Barbara. We are suppose to meet Woboose in Malibu around 1:30pm. Newport Beach should be around 3pm. The times are changed due to some drivers concerns about mass traffic in SoCal after 3pm. I hope this will wprk for all. Let me know.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 2, 2006
Malibu, CA
One for all and all for one...

Ed, Ice, Piana, Demo, The1, Mouse, Red, Atomic, Lemanz, Malibu, Syco, Awsum, Canibl, Enzo, Mad, cobrar, todd, shelby, jones, heritage, edson, dlkgt, ocpete, george, stevea, midnight, esica, etc...

Sounds like a plan. I will assume you guys will get to Malibu by 1:30. That puts us in Santa Monica by 2:00 and on the 405 South before 2:15.
If you could manage Malibu by 1:00 that would be a bit better. But stay safe - I'd rather you guys get here in one piece.

I'm happy to dig in and wait for the northern crew even if you're late, so enjoy the ride and do not stress. Chances are, there could be a lane closure or something along the way. If you get held up - I'll just call down to the Santa Monica crew and give them the option to go ahead.

The traffic gods will be smiling on us... :biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Woboose, et. al,

Is there a mtg place & time (estimated) for Santa Monica?

AlohaGT and I will be leaving my pace in Valencia and it would be grat if we could meet a larger group of you in Santa Monica. Perhaps the Fresno Southbound guys can meet at my place (a few hundred yards off of I-5) or minimally at a location in Santa Monica. Let me know.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Good luck, guys, I am a big pessimist, and the 405 and the 10 interchange is about 2 miles from my house, at 2 PM to Newport it is a quest, no matter how you look at it. Hope it is open traffic, but the GT is not prone to over heating so you should be fine. If I am around I will hook up with the SMonica guys, plans are for me to be in La Jolla on Tuesday night, so I will probably be coming from the opposite direction. Either way, don't get too uptight about the 405 traffic, it does move, and I believe better than the 580, 680, and South 101 out of San Francisco.

Hey we all could spend the week at work??? So being in the GT in traffic sounds pretty good, n'est pas? :thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 11, 2007
Orange County, CA

Being that I am close to Newport, I think I'll save my carbon-offset vouchers and wait for you guys over here.

I'll too will beseech the traffic gods in your favor...


FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
So Dave, what's the final count? How many registrants and how many GT's coming?


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
The Banners are up on the Registry, Free downloads. Take it to Kinkos if you want your own for autographs.

Click here to go directly to them.

Sample below