One for all and all for one...
Ed, Ice, Piana, Demo, The1, Mouse, Red, Atomic, Lemanz, Malibu, Syco, Awsum, Canibl, Enzo, Mad, cobrar, todd, shelby, jones, heritage, edson, dlkgt, ocpete, george, stevea, midnight, esica, etc...
Sounds like a plan. I will assume you guys will get to Malibu by 1:30. That puts us in Santa Monica by 2:00 and on the 405 South before 2:15.
If you could manage Malibu by 1:00 that would be a bit better. But stay safe - I'd rather you guys get here in one piece.
I'm happy to dig in and wait for the northern crew even if you're late, so enjoy the ride and do not stress. Chances are, there could be a lane closure or something along the way. If you get held up - I'll just call down to the Santa Monica crew and give them the option to go ahead.
The traffic gods will be smiling on us... :biggrin