Among othe things Ferrari is all about the intoxicating exhaust note :frown
...go get a quarter horse if you want to stay in the past.
I think we can all agree we like the sound of a big AMERICAN V-8 but given the choice between sound or speed. I'll ALWAYS take speed. :thumbsup
What I dislike is sounds fast, but goes slow.
Damn! Again we think alike!:eek
I'd watch how often you say that ..... next thing you know they'll fly those black helicopters around your place too! :lol
I ain't skeer'd.
That's only kuz you've yet to discover holes in your body where there shouldn't BE any...:lol
That's why they make Body Armor, Larry. How many sets you want? :biggrin
None. 'Too uncomfortable to sleep in! :lol
Besides, even with "head armor" one can still take an 'eye shot', so...
'Much simpler to just avoid close proximity to you & Nardo!!!!:rofl :cheers
So you want to cancel lunch now huh? :lol