Bye Enzo, sorry to hear of your troubles. May God bless your 2006!
I distrust dealers and shops because of experiences like yours.
Here is my post from the Viper board of my experiences with Clark's Suspension in Lake Forest, CA. Of course my Viper isn't worth as much as a GT, but the point here is, YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO YOUR SELF to stay with your car, so take the initiative and demand to be in the passenger seat if the car needs to be test driven. Yes, the dealer is responsible for your damages, but I'm not talking about legal recourse, you certainly have that avenue and should persue them. What I'm talking about at the moment is how to avoid damage from shop jerks. By insisting to go along on a test drive, joe-shmoe mechanic won't have the chance to joy ride your car. They might hate you later, but at least your car will be protected. Here is how it went with me at Clark's Suspension.
Here is what pissed me off about "Clark", the owner of the shop. When he gets it off the alignment rack, I am standing near the door to the vehicle bay, and he backs the car out, makes a three-point turn in the parking lot right where I am standing, then he just cruises off, to go for a test drive in my Viper all by himself. Now I know a lot of shops do this when you are not looking, but since there have been many reports on this board about strangers totaling customer's Vipers, I figure he should have told me he was going for a test drive and invited me to come, at least. So I yell out loud at him as he is taxiing away from me in the lot-
He stops the car, looking in the rear view mirror at me.
I come and open the passenger door, get in and say to him, "I'd like to go with you".
He acts like I am distrustful of him, gets visibly perturbed, and puts it in nuetral, pulls the ebrake, and gets out briskly, saying he was just checking to see if the steering wheel was straight. I didn't need him to tell me why he was test driving it, in fact, I expect him to test it, to check his employees work. But he felt he needed to offer that explanation, though unasked. Its obvious I have annoyed him by wanting to go on the test drive with him. That struck me kinda odd, because I have a keen interest in going along, to see what he observes about the car's handling. Maybe I can learn from his years of doing suspension work? But he seems pissed that I wouldn't let him go alone, and tells me to drive it myself, and walks away.
I drive it a bit, feels great, then bring it back to pay the bill. He checks me out quickly, saying little, then hands me the paperwork hurriedly, and says "see ya", like "hit the road", sorta in that tone of voice. He acts like he doesn't want me to come back.
So I'm the bad guy for wanting to go along on the test drive in my own car. Sure, I'm a real bad man. I shoulda let him just drive it by himself, so he could jump on it to see what it feels like, then maybe wrap it around a pole. Doesn't matter if he was Mario Andretti, he should have offered to take me along, that would have been the right thing to do, and not just drive by me without even telling me he was going, what he was doing, no, he just drives my car right by me for his own personal little unattended test drive and left me standing there. Isn't this how a lot of customer's cars get totaled by unfamiliar maintenance mechanics? Don't I have the right to come along, when someone drives my Viper? Of course I do! But Clark thinks differently, and gets pissed if you wanna go with. How dare I want to go along with him! I'm so unreasonable like that.
Word to the wise. Avoid Clark's Suspension!
Lastly, check out this thread about a car that was totaled by the dealership. He did o.k. in the settlement. There may be some ideas in there to help you in your case. I think this guy has a Ford GT now, and posts here.