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  1. jbyrnes

    referral for a 3rd party appraiser

    So as an FYI, would the insurance company argue that the car is worth what Shelby is buying them for, or would you get what he's selling them for, i.e. replacement value?
  2. jbyrnes

    Original owners or 2nd owners

    I had about 300 miles on it when the temp tags ran out in 06'. Since plating it 6 months ago I put about 800 more miles on it so it's still breaking in, but the roads are graveled now so it'll be in near-hibernation again until Spring. Even through the winter I'll get it warmed up every few...
  3. jbyrnes

    Original owners or 2nd owners

    Actually the story doesn't include divorce but about as impactfull. My wife and I both went through career changes over a period starting just before I bought the GT until last year when things settled into a routine. Between looking at buying a business and getting two of our kids into college...
  4. jbyrnes

    Original owners or 2nd owners

    My short story: spot the article in R&T in 03', nag my wife for 2+ years that the kids will be better people if they pay for their own college, look for 6 months for the perfect car: stripeless blue, find a new 05' in a dealership across the country in Aug 06', accepts my less-than-retail offer...
  5. jbyrnes

    Next rally

    There's a new road course east of Denver. See 2.5 miles, 15 turns, and more elevation change than the old CDR. I hear it's a very challenging and safe track - but haven't run on it yet. Has anyone here run on High Plains? The downside for a rally is that it's an hour...
  6. jbyrnes

    My new little girl

    Tony, Congradulations! Anxious to see it. Hope you and Mike can make it down to Lafayette for C&C in the Spring. Or let me know if you're cruising in the Boulder area sometime and I'll meet up with you.
  7. jbyrnes

    aftermarket gauge installation & illumination

    How hard could it be to gut out the 4 in . Speed hut tach and swap the workings into the back of a gutted Ford tach? A leading question, since I haven't had the need yet to get the dash, but there's only 1 moving part essentially, right? I think the right electronics geek could add a pot or...
  8. jbyrnes

    My New Gal/No side Latches

    Just wondering, but if you're going to go to that much trouble to do a "latch delete" mod, it wouldn't be that much more trouble to make a mold and make carbon-fiber fenders. Can you verify that they're aluminum?
  9. jbyrnes

    Obsolete 2005/06 FGT Parts

    I should have added though that since the trans cooler isn't an original equipment part that it doesn't need to meet any availablitiy criteria.
  10. jbyrnes

    Obsolete 2005/06 FGT Parts

    Jack at Muscle Motors (forum sponsor MMP Inc.) has confirmed that the trans cooler / line kit is no longer available from Ford (Does anyone have a new or used Ford kit available?)
  11. jbyrnes

    Interesting Hardware Provider

    I've been buying from McMaster for years. Everything you'll need to build anything, fair pricing, almost always same day shipping, but best of all if you call in an order a real human answers the phone and actually asks how they can help (not re-direct) you.
  12. jbyrnes

    Car No Start. Found Problem (I Think)

    I agree with specracer. Bare aluminum will quickly oxidize - and the oxidized layer is a bad conductor. Is this connection bare / dry from the factory? The aluminum may have a conductive alodine coating but that's pretty fragile and the toothed washer will gouge through it and expose the bare...
  13. jbyrnes

    A couple of photos of new braces!

    Very impressive. Never heard of hydro dipped though - can you refer us somewhere for more info.
  14. jbyrnes

    This is a really cool machine!!

    There are several rapid prototyping technologies out there now - including direct-to-metal (stainless and titanium) from CAD, but they're still pretty expensive compared to a mass produced part. I have access to an "FDM" prototype machine that makes parts in engineering grade plastics like ABS...
  15. jbyrnes

    Dodged the battery bullet.....

    Yes. I think you may be the only one who sits in their car like its the first time and smile. Unless of course you would include making engine noises, then there may be a couple of us. :biggrin
  16. jbyrnes

    GT assembly line build books

    The new GT book (btw-great job to all involved) talks about the build history notebook that followed each car down the line. Surely someone around here has some inside connections at Ford to abscond those scanned copies. What a great piece of history to have. Anyone with the original hardcopy...
  17. jbyrnes

    Next Ford GT

    The R&T article makes a logical argument for how the design & configuration of their next supercar will most likely develop. So I think the look of our cars is safe from being re-gen'd again. Plus, the "Lincoln GT" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  18. jbyrnes

    Vote For Fords Next Supercar

    too bad Ford's GR-1 (Daytona Coupe reincarnation) isn't getting a second look....
  19. jbyrnes

    Need more HP? How about some Ram air intake block off plates?

    if you're looking for some extra HP... I would think that for a mile run an effective way to get some cheap extra HP would be to run the intercooler lines through a cool can with some dry ice in it. I'd guess the SC compressed air temp will be reduced another 50 deg or more which would up the...
  20. jbyrnes

    Is That A Mustang?

    Except note the conspicuous dual tires - that should narrow it down.