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  1. AlohaGT

    FGT Mice

    Here's an email I recently received from my lovely wife. I haven't ordered it yet but getting ready to shortly. Check out the first link - the fellow gives a pretty good video review. I agree with my wife - very cool. K, Here are a few sites talking about and selling the Ford GT mouse...
  2. AlohaGT

    Project 321 Bumper Delete Kit

    Stormcat & Jake, very nice work!
  3. AlohaGT

    Malcom Bricklin Documentary

    Kayvan, many thanks for posting. Once started, I couldn't stop watching it until the end. I was rooting for Malcolm. Incredible tenacity.
  4. AlohaGT

    HTT Supercar

    Curious as to no interior shots nor engine bay.
  5. AlohaGT

    Testicle Therapy

    :lol Good one.
  6. AlohaGT

    24 Hours of Spa

    luxgt, many thanks for the photos. Impressive.
  7. AlohaGT

    Most appropriate place for shadowmans headers

    Simply incredible craftmanship. :thumbsup
  8. AlohaGT

    Shadowman and SafeCaft

    Thanks Shadowman & JBG. JBG's is a variation on the theme with him placing the belts in the pockets and mine are placed behind the pockets as I utilize the pockets everytime I drive the car for my wallet, keys and other stuff.
  9. AlohaGT

    Ford gt Motorcycle

    Which one?
  10. AlohaGT

    Shadowman and SafeCaft

    And after you're done, just neatly tuck away behind the seat and one hardly knows it's there.
  11. AlohaGT

    Shadowman and SafeCaft

    Here are some pix of what Shadowman references above.
  12. AlohaGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Hoping someone will soon dyno a Gen II v Gen III, back to back.
  13. AlohaGT

    Ford gt Motorcycle

    That is bad a--!
  14. AlohaGT

    Saleen Lawsuit

    Haven't seen it before.
  15. AlohaGT

    2007 GT500 Lowering the car

    Impressive piece of driving.
  16. AlohaGT

    New Owner - and you all are in trouble!

    Welcome to the FGT insane asylum!
  17. AlohaGT

    Political Thread... Self inflicting my own punishment?

    And full of a lot of hot air and wind bags.
  18. AlohaGT

    VW's Acquisition of Porsche Nearly Done

    From the hunter to the hunted. Turnabout is fair play. VW to pay $11.28 billion for all of Porsche: Sat Jul 18, 2009 FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Porsche SE's controlling families will agree on Thursday to accept an offer by Volkswagen to buy its sports car business Porsche AG for roughly 8 billion...
  19. AlohaGT

    If you didn't see this yesterday......

    We were fortunate to see Paul McCartney perform at Hard Rock Vegas a couple months ago during The Joint's grand reopening weekend following an extensive renovation. Paul played for over 2 hours, non-stop. Didn't even see him take a swig of water. A most amazing and special evening.