Search results

  1. AlohaGT

    77th 24 Heures du Mans

  2. AlohaGT

    DMV rejected my request

    AtomicGT, that sucks. :bs Is it worth trying a variant thereof?
  3. AlohaGT

    Service facility

    I had no idea you are so close to MEM. I was just there a couple weeks ago.
  4. AlohaGT

    Weird experience at the dealer today

    In a word, inexcusable. Let's see the pix when you get it.
  5. AlohaGT

    Weird experience at the dealer today

    That's a great tale but would still like to hear about the tail you love or better yet, photos. :wink
  6. AlohaGT

    My New Challenger

    Sounds mean. What is the dyno reading?
  7. AlohaGT

    Who needs a Prius?

    I have no idea what gas mileage any of my cars get, not interested. When the tank is empty, they get filled. I will never buy a Prius or anything resembling one.
  8. AlohaGT

    Who needs a Prius?

    Answer: Neither.
  9. AlohaGT

    Blondes,Brunettes, & Redheads

    Looking good...and the shocks too.
  10. AlohaGT


  11. AlohaGT

    Ford PAG HQ sold

    That was a great morning with all of us there for C&C. Kind of sad to see Ford sell it but obviously the right move.
  12. AlohaGT

    Thanks to Shadowman + other GT friends

    CJ, many thanks. That is a beauty. Is it an exact replica of stock? In other words, are the aero characterstics changed in any way?
  13. AlohaGT

    Any guys around Indianapolis

    Yes, I resemble that remark. Bought mine sight unseen, Kendall picked it up & performed a number of mods on it, and I never drove it stock. The new car excitement has always worn off for me, sooner or later. For the first time, not the case with the FGT. :banana DC33, buy it! You'll only...
  14. AlohaGT


  15. AlohaGT

    Would you chip in $5,000 to buy Viper operations from Chrysler?

    Not quite sold, yet; however, reportedly executed a MOU.
  16. AlohaGT

    Heal-toe help

    Two masters in their office. Walter with his full driving regalia and Ayrton in his street clothes and loafers.
  17. AlohaGT

    Thanks to Shadowman + other GT friends

    Looking very hot. Can you direct me to the site for the CF diffuser? Can't seem to locate it.
  18. AlohaGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    That's a bit disappointing. I thought the 4.0 would be a little larger.