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  1. FM99

    Gen 2 Whipple upgrade results

    WOW! Very impressive.
  2. FM99


    Chip, Well said. I would say more, but I think Bony would not approve. Let me just say that as a college professor, I find it disappointing that students look to everyone but themselves to take care of them. In my opinion, they are missing out on the joy and excitement of life. Many of GM's...
  3. FM99

    Dear Bony, I enjoy the Forum and feel I should contribute financially. However, I cannot find...

    Dear Bony, I enjoy the Forum and feel I should contribute financially. However, I cannot find an address to send a check. I do not use Paypal or even have a credit card, for that matter. Where and to whom should I send/make out a check. Keep up the great work. FM 99
  4. FM99

    2010 Fusion Hybrid

    You are absolutely correct. I will receive no credit for my 2009 Escape Hybred. I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said "Any government who robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul". I still cannot figure out how you spend your way to prosperity.
  5. FM99

    Sully is in trouble.... oh no, report just issued.

    No Boating License Marvelous - The plane probably did not have the appropriate license to be boating either, another strike against the pilot!:lol
  6. FM99

    I know, It's a re-post, but....

    Thanks. Very touching particularly now that the politicians seem to be trashing the country and all that made it great. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who are not." Thomas Jefferson
  7. FM99

    Bonnet Cable Help

    Thanks for the help. I think I may just wait until spring when I can get the lady to the Ford dealer. He purchased a hoist for the car. I can only lift one side at a time, and not too far at that. Could be a problem with the liner. Should be much easier on the hoist. Thanks again for all...
  8. FM99

    Bonnet Cable Help

    Dear Rich, Thanks for the information. I will try that this weekend. I appreciate your time and assistance. Thank you very much. P.S. Just a side note to group. I drove my FGT from Iowa to North Carolina and back last May and got 24 mpg. Pretty amazing. My only complaint is that the pretty...
  9. FM99

    Bonnet Cable Help

    Yes - Doors are unlocked. One can hear the cable moving when one either depresses the key (remote) or uses the lever.
  10. FM99

    Bonnet Cable Help

    Dear Group, I have an unusual problem with my 2005 FGT. The cable to unlatch the front bonnet has apparently come loose. Neither the remote on the key or the side latch will do anything more than make noise (cable being pulled). My question is how to get the bonnet open so I can reattach the...
  11. FM99

    Oil Change Problems

    Jacking Interesting thread - where are the jack points for your jack? FM 99