Why have I not seen this before? I suppose due to the length is it internet only, but what a wonderful, POWERFUL, ad. No schmaltz, no hokiness, just substance that anyone with a love for parent or child could relate to.
BTW, is the '69 a 428 SCJ car? Looked like the fake hood from my brother's Mach 1, which should eliminate the 428 (I think), but couldn't tell from the brief shot under the hood if it was a CJ or not.
Why have I not seen this before? I suppose due to the length is it internet only, but what a wonderful, POWERFUL, ad. No schmaltz, no hokiness, just substance that anyone with a love for parent or child could relate to.
It was shown on one evening as I recall on prime time (9pm). It obviously would have cost a fortune to air it on any repeated basis. Notwithstanding, I would take it a thousand times over the low-cost/low-impact internet approach. It might actually get butts in seats; the psych/demographic of the viewer of that commercial likely has more disposable $$ than websurfer dude.