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  1. N

    This should be interesting!!

    Let sleeping dogs lie would be my thoughts on that one..... I'm unclear why we need proof from a decomposing body, he's dead. End of. As you say, it should get interesting, hopefully it will not endanger the lives of our people around the world by stirring up even more trouble.
  2. N

    New boots for my beast!

    Got any more shots of your wife? (Just kidding) :) Wheels look great.... Got any shot from behind? (Of the car).
  3. N

    B-17 "Liberty Belle" crash in IL - a huge loss

    What a shame - but congratulations to the pilot for getting it down safely and all crew off without injury. These old birds are becoming increasingly rare, they all have fabulous stories and hint at some extremely brave young men. In the UK we have a similar plane, the Lancaster Bomber (or...
  4. N

    GT assembly line build books

    I managed to get hold of the build book for my Vanquish. Turned out Stevie Wonder built it.
  5. N

    Somali Pirate Justice.

    A very effective form of justice.
  6. N

    Low profile cars' worst fear

    Ouch. Shame to see a pretty car this way..... Looks like it was in the UK and involved a foreign driver of the lorry.
  7. N

    Good showing at Silverstone GT1

    Some footage here of some very silly driving - but also the GT's (who were not involved).
  8. N

    Engine running temperature

    When I was running mine at Le Mans last year, the engine temperature became very hot - and this (above) is just what I did. It lowered the temperature whilst I was at race speed. It made for a very uncomfortable cabin, but it's a sure fire way of taking heat from the engine bay quickly.
  9. N

    Sls @ nyc

    Yes, it seemed to be. However I would stress that this was my driver error rather than the car. I seem programmed to lift slightly with a paddle shift or change on a balanced throttle - the SLS does not respond to this level of mechanical sympathy! I was never ill in the Vanquish! It was a...
  10. N

    my gt has a new girl friend

    Yeah, but they go like the clappers! :)
  11. N

    "Tuxedo" edition X1 by The GT Guy LLC

    Wow! As we say over here, that thing 'looks the bollocks'!! (Meaning very nice!). Amazing, it has everything.
  12. N

    Sls @ nyc

    I've had some time behind the wheel of the SLS and found the clutch difficult to deal with - which was my driver problem, not the Mercs. Having had years of driving the Aston Vanquish, I am programmed to change gear on a balanced throttle - the SLS doesn't like that sort of behaviour. It...
  13. N

    what a day

    There was a case of cart theft (caught here on CCTV) in my village once.
  14. N

    wife's birthday present :-)

    Cool! I went to a convent until I was 11 years old (embarrassing or what?!) and the nuns who taught me used to roll around in a Mini Moke. Moderately unconventional!
  15. N

    what a day

    Holy smoke - that was a close one. Doesn't bear thinking about........ Glad you're all OK. Are you allowed to torture and kill the other driver? I can't recall how the law works in this area. My pool is nice and clean by the way - mosaic tiles look lovely. :)
  16. N

    Very Cool Shell Ad from Europe

    No CGI either! A great ad and one that cost a ton of cash to shoot.
  17. N

    Just had my salvaged 2005 delivered

    It is the case in Europe that owners of classic cars (of which genre the GT is certain to be included) strive for originality. Many owners of Astons (for example) spend big bucks getting back to the original color to enhance/maintain values. If a future owner of this car (and I assumed from the...
  18. N

    Clarkson drives a GT40...uh, I mean a "GT43"...

    That's a very old clip - so he must have been funny and novel. :)
  19. N

    Wrecked cars

    Very sorry to hear about your GT - as above, all these things are replaceable, your well-being is not. Glad you're OK.