Wow! One year already?


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Thanks to everyone who participates. Hopefully it gets better from here on in.

Bony and dtrumbo, you are too crafty. Nobody was even supposed to find those, as I haven't drummed up any additional benefits yet. It's a project for after the Rally. :cheers


One lucky SOB to own a GT
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 4, 2006
Tulsa, Oklahoma
You're the best, Dave :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Southern California
I picked up my GT on August 23rd last year (funny how the date of certain important moments in your life are forever burned into your brain :biggrin ). I think I had been on the site a few times before getting the car, and of course I came by every few days after getting the car (and still do). I figured the Forum had been around for at least several months because of how well run it was and how many (smart and civilized) members were regularly making helpful contributions. Learning that it only pre-dates my GT arrival by three weeks is amazing! :eek

Great job Dave!! :thumbsup


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Thank you thank you. I started the site because it's so hard to find civility on the net without being watered down. Most car sites degenerate into pissing matches after about 3 posts. I think the members here balance it out nicely without me having to get involved, especially the original founding members like Florida Chris, Bony, Stefan, you, etc. I'm all for those sites on the net that go off the deep end, but the GT world is so small I don't want anyone to be alienated needlessly for shock entertainment.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Bob Fox doesn't even come on this site. He's too busy selling commercial real estate :lol


GT Owner
Oct 9, 2005
Venice, CA
I too hung out for a wee while before pulling the trigger... And then posted with glee after I'd experienced the joys of ownership. It's been a real pleasure reading others and their posts in the same vein when they finally took delivery.

It's also a great research resource and my first port of call when dealing with an issue.

Congrats on putting it together Dave.


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
This site sucks!
I can't get any work done and the wife thinks I've become a geek.

Condrats on a job well done. :thumbsup


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Plymouth, MI
DBK said:
Thank you thank you. I started the site because it's so hard to find civility on the net without being watered down. Most car sites degenerate into pissing matches after about 3 posts. I think the members here balance it out nicely without me having to get involved, especially the original founding members like Florida Chris, Bony, Stefan, you, etc. I'm all for those sites on the net that go off the deep end, but the GT world is so small I don't want anyone to be alienated needlessly for shock entertainment.


Try spending a week on It has become 14 year olds that are experts on everything from performance cars, whether buying or selling, and flaming on vehilces that they have never even seen nor driven, to being experts on basic economics.

Dave, I have seen you there and you know what I am talking about


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
Happy Birthday GT Forum!!!


I wasn't around at the beginning, but from what I've seen the past few months on here, you've done an awesome job w/the site...and the rally prep...and answering PM's & e-mails...and still somehow find the time for your girl and your GT!!! I've learned a ton from everyone & the people on here are GREAT! :thumbsup I just hope that you are all around by the time I can get my GT!!! Hopefully by the 2 yr anniversary! :biggrin

MJ :cheers


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Plymouth, MI
:wink That is one of the great points about Dave, the moderators and the members here! Everyone is a class act! I can't wait to meet everyone! See ya in a few days :cheers


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
I've become an insomniac....... All I want to do is drive the GT or check on this site. They say there are better things in life...

who cares. here's the wife again.... time to go.


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
White Petunia said:
What colour/options are you thinking of eventually getting ?

In my little dream world (which I'm hoping to make reality), I'm going to get a heritage & the track will be my new best friend. :biggrin Then I can take my boss for a ride & show him what this baby can do! :lol


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
piccola said:
In my little dream world (which I'm hoping to make reality), I'm going to get a heritage & the track will be my new best friend. :biggrin Then I can take my boss for a ride & show him what this baby can do! :lol

hope your dream comes through MJ! :wink


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
On a side note, I do my best do answer PM's, e-mails, and phone calls. If I can't get to you, just send it twice. I cleaned out my PM box and email as best I could the other day and still had 1392 messages :lol And that's not even some kind of sick joke, that's the truth. But I love getting to know everyone because the members of the site are always so helpful/cool/genuine. I've never run into a single person I haven't thought "wow, nice guy"...

Mad Max

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
SE Michigan
I've never run into a single person I haven't thought "wow, nice guy"...

If it was so easy to convince my in-laws of that............... :wink


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Forwarding my SPAM

lets all forward our SPAM to DBK...... :biggrin