well not to defend the white cars....(since mine is Black and obviously faster:biggrin).......but I think technically speaking white is a combination of all colors.............problem is that means Black has no color at all...........maybe thats why its faster......less weight! :thumbsup.......
Aaaaaaaaah! Not so, venerable sir. BLACK absorbs all colors ... WHITE
reflects all colors. THAT is scientific fact! ...And, as such, it then follows that the REASON white cars are slower is because the white paint is reflecting ALL light AWAY from the front of the vehicle on which it's applied (in our case - the FGT) and the act of "reflecting" said light in the OPPOSITE direction of travel results in the creation of slightly more
resistance as these rays "push off" away from the nose of the car. Said white FGT, then, must overcome additional resistance to gain speed. Hence - the car is slower.
Now, before someone makes this observational blunder, the light rays pushing off the REAR of the car do NOT "compensate" or "offset" those pushing against the nose because the rear defusers upset the enviornment in which THESE rays operate just enough to negate any off setting "push" they may have provided.
Now, on the other hand, BLUE cars absorb ALL COLORS save one - BLUE. And while one may think at 1st glance that this would give a v-e-r-y slight advantage to the BLACK car (which absorbs ALL colors), this ALSO is not so, as the BLUE CARS ( covered at length on other threads) were given the HOTTEST POSSIBLE "tune" downloads...whereas the other cars were not. These programs MORE than overcome the puney advantage any black car had -and THEN some. (This also explains why the blue cars cost more and are in higher demand.)
I DO hope this clears up the matter once and for all. :skep