I have the escort unit with laser jammers front and rear in my R8. It's a great unit, but the lack of direction from where the signal is coming from is frustrating. Thats the V1s strong suit, but laser is it's weakness. I have not had any tickets and have been saved about 4-5x from certain tickets. The laser jammer protection is its best feature, but the GPS part is my favorite. After going past a fixed signal more than once it stores the information and mutes it's self. If a Leo is sitting near a speed sign it does know if the exact location or type of radar is different and signals you. It also is upgradable via the Internet. Plug it in for updates like speed cameras and popular speed traps.
I also have the K40 calibre in my 911 and it's decent, but not great. The radar has front and rear transponders and does tell you front or rear. It doesn't tell you from the side and how many signals, but it does tell you what type Ka or X band so that helps. It's weakness is laser blocking. Several independent testers have found its laser capability lacking. Knock on wood no tickets in this car either. No upgrades or fancy features. Bluetooth communication between front and rear sensors to the main unit so no wires thru the firewall.
I also have the V1 in the FGT. Its the only one not hard wired and my least favorite (just for that reason). It's a little too sensitive (too many false signals), doesn't have the GPS feature, and has poor laser detection. It's radar range is about a second faster than the other two. I love the arrows. If they had a hard wired version with good laser block, internet updates, and GPS localizing it would be great.
When you boil off the fat the Escort has the best features just missing radar localization (arrows). This would be my choice with the options currently available.
You can make your own custom V1 with really cool custom laser blockers, but that's using multiple different non integrated systems. They are the best of all worlds, but good luck finding an installer and someone who is competent who you trust tearing into your car.