If you had to pick at gunpoint
DBK said:
Good to see you back Mag. Piccola's still on almost every day.
Question, if you had to pick at gunpoint, Gallardo or F430? :biggrin
Hi DBK, Boy oh boy..... are you tough! :bang If I answer the question one way, I'm a jerk to Ferrari fans...... if I answer the question the other way...... Lambo lovers are POd at me! But since I'm a honest person..... at gunpoint and only at gunpoint..... I'd probably have to choose the Ferrari F430. Why? Well, it has a meaner sound.... kinda more raspier and howling than the Gallardo's deeper, richer engine sound. You can hear it from a mile away! :eek Also, I'm pretty sure the F430 has as shorter turning radius, the interior is a little bit richer looking with its stitching and leather finish.
If you are going to choose a F1 trans..... absolutely the Ferrari. It's fully automatic on up and downshifts.... and in pretty damn good performance RPMs where on the Lamborghini E-gear.... you have to shift up manually... and downshifting, although automatic, only occurs when you start dropping RPMs way too low to all of a sudden to jump back on it. :mad In other words, if you're road racing, the Lambo would need to be shifted up and down manually ALL the time!
Performance wise, the F430, seems faster by the
'seat of the pants' test! BUT... I think as far as looks, the Lambo gets the nod, although only slightly. Its more radical body lines and (for me) psychedelic paint colors (Pearl Orange and Pearl Green), make it stand out more from any distance away sooner than the F430.
I love both of my cars and I can't believe you got me to choose one over the other! Must be because
'You Da Man, the Big Kahuna, the Top Banana!' :banana OK.... OK..... you can remove the gun now DBK!
BTW DBK..... what's with the rumors of you going down for the count on being single? :lol FYI.... my EX thinks my Lambos are ugly! Now you know why she's my EX! If the rumors are true, just make sure you're the only one wearing pants all the time in the family and good luck! :cheers This little jab is what I comically refer to as 'Quasimoto's Revenge'! :biggrin Mags