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Special K

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 23, 2016
Franklinton, LA
It’s was just a dream....🙂

And if you don’t know, now you know... RIP Biggie Smalls...

Pat Milliken Ford

*Supporting Vendor*
Supporting Vendor
Feb 15, 2017
Redford, Michigan
Congrats to all that were chosen! 🏁

Tom's Garage

GT Owner
Dec 5, 2016
Check your spam folder
yep, no email yet!


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Just out of curiosity how is attrition handled? was there any in the first allocation?>


I honestly don't know the answer to how it was handled. But I do know there was attrition. It's inevitable with this level of wait time. People will invariably get bored, busy, broke, you name it. Unfortunately, some people simply won't be with us anymore for their date with the Concierge.

I also think there will be attrition when some people realize it's not a guaranteed slam-dunk no-brainer (short-term) investment. The minute the "guaranteed million dollar car" bubble is pierced (which it will be, quickly), some people that were more ambivalent about the whole thing will bail on their allocations IMO. There are several dealers with cars who make no bones about it - their cars are getting moved as soon as possible.
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GT Owner
Jun 9, 2014
Santa Clarita
So you're telling me there's a chance! Thanks for the feedback


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany
@DBK encouraging info.

I am curious when and how Ford Germany is going to inform the applicants.

Congrats to all that have been chosen.


GT Owner
Apr 4, 2006
For this allocation, are there 3 types of letter like the last time: 1. the congrats; 2. the waitlist; and 3. the thank you, but no? Unfortunately, I rec'd the #3 letter again... Therefore, if there's a type 2 letter, I'd think, the attrition will to those with the #2 letter.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 26, 2010
Carlsbad, CA
I have to say the rejection hurts more on day two than day one
So true. I thought it might get better. But not so.


GT Owner
Nov 22, 2005
Sacramento, Cali
....I don't really know how to put this into words..seriously...I received the famous email and this time around it started with the simple yet powerful word 'congratulations'. I literally fainted and hit the floor. I'm still trying to grasp what really happened but I must have a good angel on my side. On my application I asked Ford to please accept my request because my 4 year old daughter says my 05 GT is actually hers and she wants to be driven to kindergarten in it every time. So see....I'm all of a sudden without a car. To the people who didn't receive an acceptance letter...don't dwell on it too much...things will turn around. You are not any less valuable without the new GT. You are still part of the Family and I'm proud about that. Remember that you already have a FORD GT in your garage....the envy of the car world. Be proud.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
FWIW regarding the EU -



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Happy for all who were chosen!
It's going to be a cool ride to see how this all shakes out over the next few years. And we should have plenty of new people and cars and questions to keep the Forum going.

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GT Owner
Dec 22, 2010
Powell, Ohio
So I've had a busy last couple of days. A quick work trip followed by a great day yesterday attending the 150th Opening Day celebration and game for the Cincinnati Reds with my son. Because of that, I had not checked the Forum or frankly, my personal email, since Tuesday. So I log on to the Forum this morning and see all the activity regarding notifications. Several anxious minutes of sorting through junkmail later and I found the email. I am excited to have been chosen to own one of these truly special cars. This has been a big month for me, a new Navigator for my wife, a new Focus RS for my son, a GT350R (both the latter with the assistance of Kevin and Pat Millikin Ford, thanks again!) and now this. Thanks to all of those who made this opportunity possible!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany
FWIW regarding the EU -

Wait til the end of the year :eek: this is like delaying christmas 10 minutes before going to sleep the night ahead and you don‘t know Santa considers you a good boy or not.. need to find a strong distraction for this weekend.

@DBK thanks for the info.
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Tom's Garage

GT Owner
Dec 5, 2016
How many of you have not received an email from Ford yet.
I have checked spam and other.
Are they going out in batches to you think?


GT Owner
May 11, 2006
Festus, Missouri
I may be over thinking this. Originally there were to be 1000 NFGT's produced. 250 per year for four years. Up until 2nd application accepted 750 were spoken for. Considering DBK's providing correspondence on European allocations
FWIW regarding the EU -

View attachment 55055


New member
Mar 18, 2019
I have to say the rejection hurts more on day two than day one
Right? I wasn't expecting that. I have to say in my case it hurts on so many different levels, and Im sorting through each and every one.

First- I could barely afford a mustang in 05-06, but got a GT500 in 07. I went to a Shelby event, a Bullrun event and I was suddenly running a successful well known charity event, a regional director for a decade with Shelby, hung out at Le Mans with H3 and Aaron Shelby and many of you I thought with all the work Ive done for Ford and Shelby, and all the people I have become friends with at the oval and Shelby, I'd have a really great shot.

Second- Since I missed out in 05-06, I have since done far better for myself and now in my 40s I finally just got to the point I could even afford this, but I didn;t apply the first go around because I couldn't swing 500k just two years ago, and if I got picked and declined, I figured that would bar me from future consideration. I guess that was amistake.

Third- My cousin owns Vintage Air here in San Antonio- I knew about this project back in 2014-2015, and had a long time to hope for it.

Fourth- I have a LOT of friends that got the Congrats letter. A LOT. Im happy for them, but I feel like my hard work and time towing the line for Ford is just time I was undervalued.

Fifth- Buying Raptors, Shelbys, hell- even a damn SHO at one point, dealerships holding on to these performance vehicles and making what should be a really great experience and fun way to spend my money is always a kick in the ass- and its almost like I gotta kiss ass just to buy a damn mustang or f-150...and I know a lot of that has to do with living in San Antonio where people come up from the south to buy a new vehicle and pay just whatever is on the windshield. I had a 50th anniversary sold out from under me from Jordan Ford, and many other local dealers are the same way- its a friggin chore to buy a Ford worth having...and I thought this might be the one experience I actually get to enjoy...

Sixth- and this is the worst- Hackett has cut the program. This WILL be the last year of the run and there will be no more allocations. Its not been announced, but I found out about a great many cuts at Barrett Jackson this year that are also upcoming- and its not just the GT....

I guess it has me second guessing why I even applied- I have so many great cars and trucks from Ford, and its almost a taint to them all now....I just walk around with a bad taste in my mouth.....just generally pissed.

The whole thing sucks.

You should see the response I sent back to Ford Concierge....if I had an opportunity to build a bridge, my emotions decided to just burn it instead.....and Im really an easy going non temper kind of guy.

I really don't know how Im going to move forward with my Ford relationship and loyalty. I mean- Im not spending 7 figures on this car, or any other for that matter, so I'll never sit my pudgy butt in one.

What difference does it make- Jamie Allison, Raj Nair, Mike Berardi, Robert Parker, Mark Fields, Steve Ling- all the great passionate guys at Ford I got to have the privilege of building a personal relationship with are all gone now, and its just us watching Ford cut program after program...

I know most of you guys have a relationship too, and this is probably the worst post I could start off with here as an introduction- but it wasn't the way I thought it would go. I wanted to be a part of this group so badly...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 10, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Dubbs - do you even own an 05-06?


Special K

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 23, 2016
Franklinton, LA
So I've had a busy last couple of days. A quick work trip followed by a great day yesterday attending the 150th Opening Day celebration and game for the Cincinnati Reds with my son. Because of that, I had not checked the Forum or frankly, my personal email, since Tuesday. So I log on to the Forum this morning and see all the activity regarding notifications. Several anxious minutes of sorting through junkmail later and I found the email. I am excited to have been chosen to own one of these truly special cars. This has been a big month for me, a new Navigator for my wife, a new Focus RS for my son, a GT350R (both the latter with the assistance of Kevin and Pat Millikin Ford, thanks again!) and now this. Thanks to all of those who made this opportunity possible!
Congrats! Now did you get the trifecta.... Did you get your free cheese coney from Skyline Chili on the Reds’ opening day?? 😊


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Sixth- and this is the worst- Hackett has cut the program. This WILL be the last year of the run and there will be no more allocations. Its not been announced, but I found out about a great many cuts at Barrett Jackson this year...

Sorry, but there is no truth to this other than the fact there will be no more allocations.


GT Owner
Dec 22, 2010
Powell, Ohio
Congrats! Now did you get the trifecta.... Did you get your free cheese coney from Skyline Chili on the Reds’ opening day?? 😊
Thank you! And yes, I most certainly did... two coneys in fact, and the Reds kept up their end of the bargain, struck out 11 evil Pirates so that everyone at the park got a free LaRosa's pizza too!