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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 20, 2012
Austin TX
I just watched his "Jay Leno's Garage" episode featuring his GT350R with Jamal Hameedi as his special guest. I figured he probably didn't have to apply. Pretty much a given. If I see him at the Quail I'll ask him just for grins.

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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I just watched his "Jay Leno's Garage" episode featuring his GT350R and Jamal Hameedi as his special guest. I figured he probably didn't have to apply. Pretty much a given. If I see him at the Quail I'll ask him just for grins.

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I figured you were asking because he doesn't necessarily buy all the new toys on the market.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Dam, I am a reject too. I'm going to move on to a new boat I guess. I don't know of any dealers selected yet except the guys who are awarded on volume.

I'm happy for the many long timers here who have lived Ford for many many years. The forum participants were clearly selected in great quantities. As Raj described to us.

As a an active Ford dealer I even enjoyed the process, I'm a little tired of all the large stores grabbing all the goods. And just holding out for the big bucks.

Clearly we as a group are not use to being selected or not, I may have some PTGT disorder.

I hold out some hope to do a delivery and maybe some service. Congrats to the chosen!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Dam, I am a reject too. I'm going to move on to a new boat I guess. I don't know of any dealers selected yet except the guys who are awarded on volume.

I'm happy for the many long timers here who have lived Ford for many many years. The forum participants were clearly selected in great quantities. As Raj described to us.

As a an active Ford dealer I even enjoyed the process, I'm a little tired of all the large stores grabbing all the goods. And just holding out for the big bucks.

Clearly we as a group are not use to being selected or not, I may have some PTGT disorder.

I hold out some hope to do a delivery and maybe some service. Congrats to the chosen!


May 10, 2007

What he said!


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
Well, it's beyond classy IMO. Early on in the process I half joked about that we were all wishing each other good luck and that I wondered if we would turn acrimonious once the word came down.

Certainly folks are disappointed. And folks have outlined powerful arguments why they should have gotten an allocation. But, I don't know that I have ever been as impressed by the almost universal reaction of " but I'm happy for those who made the cut ". That is a level of graciousness I would like to think I would have had but can't say for certain. That expresses a bond among us 05-06 crowd that is unlike any other I have witnessed in a car group and it is commendable.

I'm not about to offer phony consolation , or suggest keeping your chin up. I know how I might react to that. If I had to guess with a few exceptions, there were some very fine lines drawn with nothing but good intentions. I am not delusional to the point of thinking that I could not have easily fallen on either side of the line. I saw a guy in a bar last night with great credentials for a GT. He signaled across the room-- thumbs up or down. Not knowing his situation I didn't want to but gave thumbs up to which he gave down, but shook my hand and said he was happy for me. Could have acted similarly? I don't know.

I have swallowed many bitter pills along the way and I didn't always react as I should have. But, I have been much more impressed by the graciousness of the vanguished than some of the victors most of whom were understandably caught up in the excitement of the moment .
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GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Also well written.
Reading all these heartfelt posts from both those that did receive and those that didn't receive an allocation one thing is sted fast, so much class. I'm very proud to call this place "home" and you guys (and gals) friends.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Southern California
Responses #303 to #308, spoken like a true car guy(s), all of us competitor's, yet humble and quick with a compliment. Just knowing what is unfolding with the NFGT program makes us all winners. Great to be part of history, instead of having to read history books and watch old films of the first go round back on the day, PRICELESS!


Dec 4, 2012
Got my rejection letter but I want to hear from Jay leno,
come on Jay say something for all of us
love the show by the way


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 9, 2012
I wasn't approved but I'm glad I know so many great people here that were! Honestly with my industry under attack right now, it wouldn't be a good time for me to spend that kind of I'm glad the temptation won't be there!

Congrats to all of you guys!

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
I am proud to be a part of this Forum and also proud to call many of you friends. It has been almost 11 years since we joined the Forum and we have made friends with many that we consider our closest. We have become members of an extended family including Ford GT Forum members, the Ford family and Ford team members. We all have a love for all things Ford and the crown jewel... The Ford GT. As happy as I am that I was lucky enough to be selected, I know there are many deserving GT owners that were not selected. I pray that all of you that were not selected somehow find a way to add the new GT to your stable over the next few years.

I too would hope that if I was not chosen, that I could have been amoung those that have posted comments like the one above like many others have. We are all blessed to own or have owned the 05/06 GT's.

Long live the FordGTForum and the FordGT!

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Events like these, are what shape our lives...

Focus on the positive. It's going to take a while to get over this.

The more I think about what my friend Syco wrote, the more I realize how sad I feel for all the Forum members who so much wanted to be selected and were not. My celebratory, electric feelings have been dampened as I continue to read of those not selected. Telling all of you I'll give a ride in the NGT or I'll buy you a beer in Austin won't help at all. I guess maybe it will just take time.

I hope & pray that all of us can still remain GT brothers always.


Doctr V

GT Owner
Mar 16, 2010
I too had some sour grapes last week, but am feeling better now and Happy for all of my friends that were so excited at the last Rally that were actually chosen last week.. Please dont take my absence at the Rally next month as a jab, or a feeling of me being pissy.. The babysitter thing just didnt work out this year, with 4 kids that are 6-15, and an extremely busy dental practice, its just hard to pick up and leave on such short notice... To settle myself, now Im car shopping for something new to add to the garage(Mclaren or Ferrari). LOL The hunt is half the fun. Dr V


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 6, 2014
The more I think about what my friend Syco wrote, the more I realize how sad I feel for all the Forum members who so much wanted to be selected and were not. My celebratory, electric feelings have been dampened as I continue to read of those not selected. Telling all of you I'll give a ride in the NGT or I'll buy you a beer in Austin won't help at all. I guess maybe it will just take time.

I hope & pray that all of us can still remain GT brothers always.


Thanks for the kind words. I think everyone is excited and thankful that so many forum members got selected, but what stings is people like this got selected.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

DoctorV... Go get you a nice consolation prize..or be like the one guy who bought 3 with the money he was going to use for the GT!!

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 15, 2012
New York

Well, 1.79 MILLION followers probably didn't hurt the application any. I must reluctantly admit that if I were the FMC, I'd have probably chosen that guy over me. Which is exactly what they did!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 23, 2010
Austin, TX
Well, 1.79 MILLION followers probably didn't hurt the application any. I must reluctantly admit that if I were the FMC, I'd have probably chosen that guy over me. Which is exactly what they did!


Yes, my impression is social media mattered quite a bit. I still think they were picking names out a hat at some point.


Well-known member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 22, 2007
I never even received a reply. Not happy about that.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
The more I think about what my friend Syco wrote, the more I realize how sad I feel for all the Forum members who so much wanted to be selected and were not. My celebratory, electric feelings have been dampened as I continue to read of those not selected. Telling all of you I'll give a ride in the NGT or I'll buy you a beer in Austin won't help at all. I guess maybe it will just take time.

I hope & pray that all of us can still remain GT brothers always.


Certainly not my intent Ed. I hold you and Heidi in the absolute highest regard, and always will.

At first, I wasn't going to post about any of this at all, but I really just want to let others out there know that it isn't easy for anyone. It's therapeutic to read about both sides, I think. And to post from both sides. No one is looking for a pity party.

I am seriously happy that you have one as well as every one on here. It's possible to not get something and still be happy that others have. That saying that you can use a candle to light a candle and then you have two candles burning.

So, please, let your lights shine brightly, we will also enjoy the joy and glow.

And I'm still going to (1) happily take a ride in the NGT AND (2) put a beer on your bar tab! But only if you let me buy you one too!


Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
And I'm still going to (1) happily take a ride in the NGT AND (2) put a beer on your bar tab! But only if you let me buy you one too!


Actually let's you & I have a beer together & put it on Dr Frank's bar tab! LOL
