Its funny. I voted for Camilo's pic inside the mag but the one on the cove which is also Camilo's is a completely different car. The one on the cover looks abit dated and like a lambo but the white one inside looks sweet. I really hope they dont even make it but if they do then I need to save my money and buy my wife a bigger house first!!!
I sort of like the car on the cover but I am probably in the minority. It seems one could not vote for it. That being said, I agree with gtforme above. Anything that looks like our car will devalue it not only in money but also in uniqueness. And it is the uniqueness that partly makes our cars special.
Was wondering when this was going to show up here. I was reading about this in the actual magazine that still is delivered to the house:biggrin
Apparently it was posted on the same day :ack
Camilo all the way....:thumbsup