Video of Ford GT running from cops


GT Owner
Nov 13, 2006

I can't tell if its made up or for real, but cool video anyways


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Looked real to me :eek


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Reminds me of the trip to Indy just before the IL-IN border. Strange antennas on the dash. Anyone know what the suction-cupped things are on the top of the windshield?

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Ignoring the fact this guy was an idiot running at the speed he was on a public highway in the 1st place ... how did he know there wasn't a "bear in the air" keeping tabs on him? Or there weren't unmarked cars layin' in wait?

Here in my area, they'd have been in bumper to bumper traffic from the get-go and only kudda been ticketed for 72 in a 70 zone - if they'd have even been able to go THAT fast.

But regardless, this kinda stuff is stoopid. As has been said time and time again: at those speeds, all it'd take is ONE yo-yo changin' lanes w/o lookin' or signaling ... or ONE vehicle blowing a tire... or any one of a hundred other things happening and a LOTTA people could have their lives ruined in a heartbeat. And for WHAT?

...I'm sure glad I'm perfeckt.

Pontificating Pockets


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
Depending on what radar detector they we're using, I heard one go off, the may have been laser shifters. I have seen those used with the integrated Passport systems. I can't believe they had the radio just thrown on the dash like that.

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Driver appeared too relaxed to be running from the law, unless he does it all the time, but that business on the shoulders and the heavy traffic leave just 2 words to describe the driver - MO RON :frown


GTX1 Owner
Mar 25, 2006
what a great sound regardless on the veracity of the chase.


GT Owner
Nov 13, 2006
Don't ya know, everyone is moron if they drive faster than you and an idiot if they drive to slow.

Roger Vincent

GT Owner
May 31, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
I know it's unsafe, stupid, and dangerous as all get out. But how many times did you watch the video? I watched it about three times. I don't think it's fake. If it is they faked me out. Would I do it, no. Look at my avatar.


GT Owner
Mar 9, 2007
So Cal
Doesn't matter what you're driving, you'll never beat the speed of the CB/radio, I mean how dumb can you be to run from the police.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Don't ya know, everyone is moron if they drive faster than you and an idiot if they drive to slow.

I agree 100% with the latter...especially if they're in the LEFT LANE. :mad

I agree with the former only where the subject individual makes the rest of traffic looks like it's PARKED. Logic and common sense has to rule here. ('Have NO pblm with someone doing "5 over" just about ANYWHERE for instance..."10-15 over" either in some cases [depending on the road/traffic/location]. But, this business of doing 100-110-130-140 or more on a freeway - especially in traffic - is just plain nuts.)

I'll give it a rest now...



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
you can't out run a radio !


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
That was real...probably part of the Gumball Rally, why else would you have CB radio?


GT Owner
Jan 14, 2006
Like its been said, you cant out run that radio.

Where i live out on the tip of cape cod,there is no way to hide.Ive got so pull
with home town pd.Sometimes on certain days when for some reason the road
is shut down to traffic.The long straight that leads to my house ,i get to get
home just to get the road clear for some reason. So the faster i get off the road is better dont want to hold up work or what ever the they have to do.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
are you coming to limerock wiyh us july 12th ,
go to regions section and check ot the post


Keep Smiling - GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY SUCKS, I NEVER GET PULLED OVER ANYMORE THEY JUST WAVE AND SAY "AH JUST LET THE OLD BASTARD GO , HE'S PAYING MY SALARY" :biggrin. BESIDES WE JUST CLOCKED HIM IN 6TH GEAR AT 52 MILES AN HOUR:lol :biggrin .Hey dont laugh , over 40 it make going pee pee a lot less frequent!!!!! I had to go 3 times just watching that shaky video.:biggrin:biggrin:biggrin ENJOY GTJOEY 1314


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
To me it's like those idiots that film themselfs robbing a house then show the tape to there friends and they end up going to jail from the tape they made themselfs. I guess it's a good thing you never see there faces in the video, or a tag number.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Another FGT for sale?

In most states, when caught, this action will result in impounding, then assumption of the vehicle title by the enforcement agency. The officer in the picture below (infraction, "no rear license plate") told me of a GT that fled the CHP's across the Mojave Desert at ~190 mph. They did NOT give chase as it would present too much danger to the public. They radioed ahead, and the Nevada Patrol stopped it about 10 miles past the border. Jail Time, Loss of Vehicle, Loss of License, and heavy fine. :ack

However, it did allow a saner driver to purchase the car when the vehicle was sold....


PS - On a lighter note, the local police in my small community occasionally pull up next to me and, with their passenger window down, look over and ask "Pinks?" My answer is always -"What would I do with a Police car?"
Last edited:


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
PS - On a lighter note, the local police in my small community occasionally pull up next to me and, with their passenger window down, look over and ask "Pinks?" My answer is always -"What would I do with a Police car?"

Hey Ralphie - what does that mean? Me no understand.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Hey Ralphie - what does that mean? Me no understand.