Transmission 1-2 Shift Grind


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
It also goes away over time and miles. 2000-3000 miles on the car and it should disappear.

My car has 11k on it and I still get a little crunch when it's cold. I have been told that a twin turbo kit will solve the problem. I may have to give it a try.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 5, 2007
Surrey, UK
I still get the crunch. 15k miles on my car. I shift 1st-3rd for the first 10 minutes of driving. It takes mine more than 2-3 miles to get warmed up.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 13, 2006
Southern CA
When shifting cold, I press the shifter against the gate into 2nd, blink one time, then nudge the shifter into second firmly. No grind, no noise every time. It seems like just waiting a brief moment does the trick for me.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2005
I shift first to third until the car is really warm, It takes a long time for it to warm up so it will go into second.


GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 20, 2008
I agree with Heritage Bruce, the secret seems to be a slight delay in neutral between 1st and 2nd. When cold, I shift 1st to 3rd for about 5 miles (a transaxle cooler is of no help here and actaully would make things worse by delaying the warming of the oil). It appears that the Ricardo is very similiar in shift characteristics to the old Borg Warner T-10, in that the delay in neutral actually causes a mismatch in gear speeds that then makes the synchros work harder, but more effectively to engage 2nd gear. This is why almost nobody complains about a crunch when downshifting into 2nd. In this case the gear speeds are mismatched by definition and the synchros can get a good grip on the slider and there is no crunch. It seems strange for the shifts to be smoother with a deliberate mismatch, but that is what happens in the T-10, when you delay the shift into 2nd, they always shift smoother. Just my observations.


GT Owner
Feb 11, 2009
Marietta Georgia
wow until I read this thread I thought that my 4500 mile 2006 had a problem! wew!


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
And the F.A.Q has now served a purpose! :cheers


GT Owner
Feb 20, 2009
Hey Guys, when you park, don’t push to hard!, wait 3 seconds from the 1 to reverse ¡! ! This is an electronic gearbox protection that you not can put the reverse accidentally!:thumbsup

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
my GT has troubles getting into 2nd when cold too. this would present a real problem for anybody who wants to drag race their GT at the strip or a 1 mile top speed shootout because when you pull to the line your gearbox is almost always bone cold. how are the racers on this site getting around this problem???


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
my GT has troubles getting into 2nd when cold too. this would present a real problem for anybody who wants to drag race their GT at the strip or a 1 mile top speed shootout because when you pull to the line your gearbox is almost always bone cold. how are the racers on this site getting around this problem???

Just have the car warmed up before the event, sitting around for 15 minute of less I believe 2nd gear will still be easier to find. Test this out before getting on the line. If I drive for about 1/2 to mile the problem goes away.


GT Owner
Feb 20, 2009
All the Super sport cars have the same symptom, Ferrari Lamborghini e.c.t., they are cars that are made for High Performance, and they work perfect when they reach their operation temperature.:thumbsup
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John B

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 28, 2006
I also shift 1-3 when cold but find I can expedite the 2nd gear warming process by downshifting from 3rd to 2nd with a little rev matching blip of the throttle. It seems while the box doesn't like 1-2 when cold, it doesnt mind 3-2. About 20 seconds driving in 2nd then your good to go on the next 1-2.

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
sorry for the mispost by me earlier in this thread. mine does not stick at all on the 1-2 shift when cold or hot. mine sticks real bad when i try to put it into 1st especially when cold. is this the same problem as the 1-2 shift that you guys are having or is this a result of something else?
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Freddy, it's all about something else, a slight grind from 1st to 2nd gears when cold.


GT Owner
Aug 19, 2009
Great thread that answered all my shifter questions...


GT Owner
Feb 20, 2009
I have no problem with my Ford GT!.:thumbsup

Biginch Blake

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 4, 2008
Rockville, Indiana
I have noticed that I have a little grind problem at times going into 1st and 2nd. I am taking my car to the GT Guy shop in January and it is on my list of items to check out. Will let you know what is causing this when they fix it.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
When shifting cold, I press the shifter against the gate into 2nd, blink one time, then nudge the shifter into second firmly. No grind, no noise every time. It seems like just waiting a brief moment does the trick for me.

I'm with you Bruce. Cold shifts into 2nd gear are a two part process as you state and every thing is hunky dory. Then when she warms up.....:banana


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 1, 2009
Calabasas, California
sorry for the mispost by me earlier in this thread. mine does not stick at all on the 1-2 shift when cold or hot. mine sticks real bad when i try to put it into 1st especially when cold. is this the same problem as the 1-2 shift that you guys are having or is this a result of something else?

I also have the 1-2 slight gring when cold and have it down to a science now and take a split second delay usually works til shes all warmed up. But Freddy; from stop to 1st gear is common on many cars. Since I ever started driving I have always made it a habit to line up in 2nd gear before sliding up to 1st. I bet mine would gring too but I would never know as I always line up in 2 first and makes things much better. I even noticed my Carrera wold gring at times when my wife or somone would drive it. Never for me as I lined up in 2.


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
I also have the 1-2 slight gring when cold and have it down to a science now and take a split second delay usually works til shes all warmed up. But Freddy; from stop to 1st gear is common on many cars. Since I ever started driving I have always made it a habit to line up in 2nd gear before sliding up to 1st. I bet mine would gring too but I would never know as I always line up in 2 first and makes things much better. I even noticed my Carrera wold gring at times when my wife or somone would drive it. Never for me as I lined up in 2.

Plus if you do this (line up in 2nd), you won't get a 3rd gear start..... :thumbsup