If you're going to drive these cars, show them, or let anyone around them at all, this stuff is going to happen. I remember one night we were out for dinner in my Maserati Bora and I looked out the window toward my car and saw two guys run up the hood, over the top, and down the back of the clam shell. I could not believe it and when I got out to the car there was no visible damage, and they were both gone. Then there was the time I was at a car show with my Cobra and as I was talking to a lady her two young children stood on the side pipes to see inside. She could'nt understand why I told them to get back from the car. When somone asks me how much I paid for the GT, I tell them my wife was listening to the conversation as I made the deal on the phone and when I hung up she said "where are you going to get that kind of money?" at which point I told her "I'm going to sell the house, we can sleep in the GT, we can't drive the house" that brings on a laugh and ends that.