TimCantwell Establishes Western Base

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
... I have so much in common with Chris (FLORIDAHO CHRIS). That I too change my Forum name. It was suggest that with the AZ and OH connection that "AZZ-HO" TIM become my new name. I'm really not sure if that name sounds quite right to me...

That is just sooo funny Tim. Spit up my morning coffee when I read it. Welcome to The West. :thumbsup


GT Owner
Feb 3, 2006
so. ca.
congrats Tim welcome to the wild wild west :thumbsup


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
The last of the wild west.

Yeah, bit by bit it's dissapearing as left Coast and East coasters move into the state, but you've still got to love Arizona. Where you can still walk into a Circle K convenience store at two in the morning with a handgun strapped to your belt (it's still legal for anyone to wear unconcealed handguns here) and the clerk behind the counter won't see anything unusual about it. Dirt bikes, four-wheel drives, machine gunners, hunters and hikers all enjoy our wonderful and incredibly beautiful semi-arid desert. AND.... plenty of racetracks and lots of Ford GT owners!!!! :cheers Welcome Tim.


FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
...Where you can still walk into a Circle K convenience store at two in the morning with a handgun strapped to your belt (it's still legal for anyone to wear unconcealed handguns here)...

Gun laws same in Idaho. When AZ gets too crowded for you come on up and join me and SteveA. We'll leave the light on for you...


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

Gun laws same in Idaho. When AZ gets too crowded for you come on up and join me and SteveA. We'll leave the light on for you...

Chris and Steve,

You've got to be careful what you invite me to because........I show up!!


Seriously though, when Charley goes off to college and certainly by the time he graduates from college I do plan on moving to Montana/Idaho or thereabouts. We currently spend nearly a month each summer in the Bitterroot Valley in Montana. 10 years ago I sold my Aviat Husky while assembling funds to build my Glasair III. When I come up there, I will sell the Glasair III and have another brand-new Husky built. I love the area and plan to move up there because I want to retire in a place where a majority of the people speak English!!
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Congratulation Tim ! Looks like a nice winter crib !!! The new name doesn't fit you but it's catchy....:biggrin

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Chris and Steve,

You've got to be careful what you invite me to because........I show up!!


Seriously though, when Charley goes off to college and certainly by the time he graduates from college I do plan on moving to Montana/Idaho or thereabouts. We currently spend nearly a month each summer in the Bitterroot Valley in Montana. 10 years ago I sold my Aviat Husky while assembling funds to build my Glasair III. When I come up there, I will sell the Glasair III and have another brand-new Husky built. I love the area and plan to move up there because I want to retire in a place where a majority of the people speak English!!

I am planning on buying a Husky as soon as my new hanger is complete. :thumbsup Great airplane! Have you checked out the new A-1B?

We spent some time looking at the Bitterroot Valley (Hamilton and Donnley) before choosing N. Idaho. Hamilton has been "discovered" and we were looking for something 15 years behind that area. Come visit anytime.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Gun laws same in Idaho. When AZ gets too crowded for you come on up and join me and SteveA. We'll leave the light on for you...

Kim and I plan to do some "drives" to see our Western friends. You're on our list. See you soon. (By the way, I am brining four of my handguns, an AR15, M16, and my AK47 along to AZ. A Charlton Heston fan such as myself can't move in without some of my armory.)


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Nice DIGS Tim.:thumbsup

Now when does the construction of the "toy box" addition start?:lol

Enjoy the new place and Arizona winters.


Actually, I will be able to fit five cars in the garage!:cheers


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Kim and I plan to do some "drives" to see our Western friends. You're on our list. See you soon. (By the way, I am brining four of my handguns, an AR15, M16, and my AK47 along to AZ. A Charlton Heston fan such as myself can't move in without some of my armory.)

Then you must have seen "Omega Man". Mr. Heston didn't use any AR15s or AK47 in that movie.