O.K., here we go again. Relatively nice day yesterday, so I drove my GT to the gym[I just LOVE this car!], no "funny" stuff-cold roads and tires and driver. Came out to head home, unlocked car, key in, everything on, push starter, "click" sound, everything off, nothing. Remove key, try again, nothing-no lights on dash, no flasher etc etc. Out of car, make a phone call, back to car, try to open driver's side door, it's locked! Open front hood, remove shroud around battery, jiggle terminal connections, try door again, still locked, try manual opening with key, no luck, try to open with key fob, no luck, try manual again, it opens!:banana
Try to start, it starts!:banana:banana Engine check light on, shut down, re-start, light off, drive home, car runs fine.
I haven't had this problem before. Wondering if I did not push the start button all the way in first time and somehow woke the Gremlins up. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Try to start, it starts!:banana:banana Engine check light on, shut down, re-start, light off, drive home, car runs fine.
I haven't had this problem before. Wondering if I did not push the start button all the way in first time and somehow woke the Gremlins up. Any thoughts? Thanks.